Communications Earth & Environment
An open access journal from Nature Portfolio that publishes high-quality research, reviews and commentary in the Earth, environmental and planetary sciences.
Warm-rain and ice crystal pathways of precipitation formation co-exist in convective storms
Warm-rain and ice crystal pathways of precipitation formation can co-exist in storms and the balance between each is determined by cloud base temperature and solute aerosol conditions, suggest numerical simulations of aerosol-cloud processes in convective storms.
The anthropogenic component of recent and future warming in the Arctic, under observational constraints
The study aims to constrain the 21st century projections of Arctic winter temperatures. Results show that the recently observed four-fold Arctic amplification of global warming is mostly but not entirely due to a human influence, and will decrease with increasing radiative forcings.
Revealing the contrasting roles of soil moisture−atmosphere feedbacks in modulating the abrupt transition from drought to pluvial conditions
There is a significant increase in the occurrence of drought and pluvial transitions globally during 1980−2020. We find that the transitive causal chains induced by land−atmosphere feedbacks play an important role in triggering the occurrence of drought and pluvial transitions.
Changes of phosphorus reactivity in the Yellow River from source to estuary
We published our paper in Communications Earth & Environment in late August 2023. We spent two years collecting water samples from 72 stations in the whole Yellow River to investigate changes in reactivity of dissolved and suspended particulate phosphorus under long-distance transport.