Nature Chemistry
A monthly journal dedicated to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of chemistry, reflecting the traditional core subjects of analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry.
Nanoscale iron catalysts for scalable and selective deuteration of (hetero)arenes
We have developed a general methodology for heterogeneous iron-catalysed deuteration reactions. The catalytic system is effective for selective deuteration of anilines, indoles, phenols, and other heterocyclic compounds including late-stage labelling of natural products as well as bioactive molecules and can be readily used for the preparation of deuterated compounds on kg-scale.
Developing a hybrid process for the production of olefins from glucose using cellular and heterogeneous catalysis
In a collaboration with Paul Dauenhauer's group at the University of Minnesota through the NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers, we have developed a new strategy to deoxygenate hydrocarbons produced by microbial fermentation of glucose using simple Lewis acid catalysis.
A protein hindered from folding by its parent ribosome
Cassaignau and colleagues use NMR to reveal how a dynamic elongating nascent polypeptide interacts with the ribosome to modulate its folding (