Nature Nanotechnology
An interdisciplinary journal that publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
An AI-powered wearable skin
We report an artificial intelligence powered resistive skin that can disentangle a single biosignal into multiple useful biometric data.
Membrane-anchored DNA nanojunctions enable closer APC-T cell contact in elevated T-cell receptor triggering
Yulin Du, Liping Qiu*, and Weihong Tan* et al. from Hunan University develop membrane-anchored geometrically stable DNA nanojunctions to decrease intermembrane spacing at the close contact zone, leading to the exclusion of tyrosine phosphatase CD45 protein and enhancement of T-cell signalling.
Heterogeneous EPR in tumour
The enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect of tumours is a topic of debate in nanomedicine community. To address this, we established a single-vessel quantitative analysis method (nano-ISML) to reveal heterogeneity of tumour vascular permeability.
Generation and Decoding Colored Beams Carrying Orbital Angular Momentum
By nanoscale 3D printing, we produced miniaturized optical components processing information in the color and orbital angular momentum of beamlets using only light from a lamp. These colored vortex beams from incoherent white light promise anticounterfeiting through pairwise optical authentication.