Nature Sustainability
This journal publishes significant original research from a broad range of natural, social and engineering fields about sustainability, its policy dimensions and possible solutions.
Flooding disrupts emergency response
In this blog I reflect on what led to the article we recently published in Nature Sustainability. Through this reflection, I highlight two crucial ingredients for this study.
Water use is an important consideration in implementation of Carbon Capture and Storage
Our energy and water systems are inextricably linked. Climate change necessitates that we transition to carbon-free energy and also that we conserve water resources as they become simultaneously more in demand and less available.
The potential for returning land to nature with high-yield farming
The continuous expansion of global cropland exerts substantial pressure on natural ecosystems. One option to halt this process is to spare land by achieving high crop yields. In a recent study we estimated how much land could be returned to nature if high-yield farming was realised globally.