A weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.
Behind the Paper: A Bioinspired Journey to Needle-Free Drug Delivery
This blog post offers a glimpse into the research journey that led to our recent publication in Nature detailing microjet delivery (MiDe) systems for gastrointestinal drug delivery.
Human HDAC6 senses valine abundancy to regulate DNA damage
Valine specifically binds to the primate-specific SE14 repeat domain of HDAC6, retaining it in the cytoplasm. Valine deprivation triggers HDAC6 nuclear shift, increasing DNA demethylation and damage via TET2 activation. Valine restriction inhibits tumor growth, and enhances the effects of PARPis.
MSK-CHORD: an AI-enabled, 24,950-patient clinicogenomic dataset for cancer research
AI annotation, tumor genomic profiling, and combination of other siloed datasets enables creation of a clinicogenomic, harmonized oncologic real-world dataset (MSK-CHORD). MSK-CHORD allows for study of cancer genotype-phenotype relationships at a scale previously impossible.
Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) based DNA/RNA aptamers enhance the efficacy of the deep learning model for the precise diagnosis to prostate cancer
We suggest replacing prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with targeted prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-aptamers in the deep learning (DL) model to effectively overcome the limitation of non-specificity of the biomarker in the differential diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Psilocybin desynchronizes the human brain, sometimes
How does a psychedelic scientist give a dose of psilocybin for the first time? What if they never completed an apprenticeship in psychedelic psychotherapy? What if they barely know the difference between ‘bodywork’ and ‘Bath and Body Works’?