A weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.
Optical manipulation of electronic dimensionality in a quantum material
Exotic phenomenon can be achieved in quantum materials by confining electronic states into two dimensions. For example, quantized Hall effect can be resulted in a unit cell of a periodic 2D system (Nobel prize in 1988), relativistic fermions are realized in a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice while such electronic state is absent in the bulk graphite (Nobel prize in 2010), superconducting transition temperature can be enhanced by confining materials into 2D, and so on. Ordinarily, the 2D electronic system can be artificially created by exfoliating the layered materials, growing on substrates via molecular beam epitaxy, or building interfaces between two different materials. Searching for new methods to confine electronic states into 2D is important in condensed matter physics.
Perovskite LEDs with an external quantum efficiency exceeding 25%
We design and synthesize a bifunctional molecular additive to fabricate reduced-dimensional perovskites with a more monodispersed quantum well thickness distribution and passivated surfaces. We report as a result bright perovskite LEDs with narrowband emission and a high EQE of 25.6%.
Magnetic manipulation of non-magnetic objects: Our solution to a seemingly paradoxical problem
We've discovered how to use rotating magnetic fields to dexterously manipulate objects made of metals that are typically considered non-magnetic. This has the potential to contribute a solution to the problem of space debris.