npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
This journal is dedicated to publishing research on topics such as climate dynamics and variability, weather and climate prediction, climate change, weather extremes, air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, the hydrological cycle and atmosphere-ocean and -land interactions.
Climate models project an increase in drought and aridity in many regions, in response to greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. In areas with complex topography, such as the Canary Islands, elevation may play an important role in future changes.
Why are we constantly surprised by extreme events?
If we rely on historical disasters to motivate preparedness, we will be constantly surprised by unprecedented events in a changing climate! In this study, we characterize unprecedented extremes and estimate the change in risk since 1980 in the Midwestern USA and Eastern China, major wheat producers.
Increased extreme rainfall over the Northeast US using high-resolution simulations
Extreme rainfall is expected to increase with global warming. An ensemble of high-resolution climate simulations provides a valuable tool for evaluating potential changes in extreme rainfall, benefiting future infrastructure design and resilience planning.
Soil moisture revamps the temperature extremes in a warming climate over India
We note that more than 70% area of the Indian landmass has experienced significant changes in characteristics of temperature extremes due to soil moisture perturbations, through modulating surface energy partitioning, evapotranspiration and soil moisture memory.
Reducing Airborne Particulate Matter Concentrations: The Problem of Non-Linearity
Reducing exposure to airborne particulate matter is a high priority. The phenomenon of non-linearity, in which concentrations of some components of particles which are formed in the atmosphere do not decline as quickly as their precursor gases can create major difficulties for pollution control.