Springer Nature
Partner choice in social dilemmas can increase resource inequality
When individuals can choose with whom to cooperate, do they behave self-servingly and choose those who are ‘better off’? Or do they cooperate with others who are ‘worse off’, thereby helping others instead of themselves? We find that cooperation under partner choice can increase inequality.
The origin and evolution of woolly rhinoceros in the view of ancient DNA
Woolly rhinoceros is one of the most popular species of the Ice Age, which has been attracting great interests from both the scientific community and the public. In recent years, technical advances in ancient DNA have provided powerful tools for exploring the evolution of this extinct star species.
BMC Biology and the BMC Series are recruiting
We are looking for an Associate or Senior Editor with a strong background in biology and a keen interest in open science and open access publishing to work across two titles
Midwinter breakdown of ENSO climate impacts in East Asia
The influence of ENSO on the seasonal mean East Asian winter monsoon has been well established. Our recent study detects a robust subseasonal variability embedded in the response of the East Asian winter climate to ENSO, characterized by a pronounced collapse of the ENSO effect in midwinter.