Senarath Dayathilake
Research Method
In our study, we conducted three hypothetical experiments, assuming all participants had healthy brains and minds in similar environments. We based our methodology on the premise that cell death can preserve anatomical and neural integrity (Vrselja et al., 2019). Between T1 and T2, six brains were rendered non-functional (brain death), eliminating consciousness. Participants were divided into three groups:
1. Identical Triplets (Group I): Individuals 'a,' 'b,' and 'c.'
2. Second Set of Identical Triplets (Group II): Individuals 'd,' 'e,' and 'f.'
3. Non-identical Triplets (Group III): Individuals 'g,' 'h,' and 'i.'
Uniform conditions were maintained across all groups, ensuring identical nutrients and processes. In the third experiment, we preserved the inactive brains of 'a,' 'b,' 'd,' 'e,' 'g,' and 'h' from **T1** to **T2** and created three new identical brains for each participant, resulting in twenty-seven new brains labeled ('a1' to 'i3'). The original six brains were revived, leading to a total of thirty-six participant brains in the lab.
If our third experiment holds validity, it suggests that all twenty-seven artificially created brains and the revived six brains could function, resulting in thirty-six operational brains at T2. This includes the three live brains of 'c,' 'f,' and 'i.'
Determining whose consciousness resides within the lab is practically impossible, except for 'c,' 'f,' and 'i.' For instance, if you are 'a' before *T1*, identifying which of the eleven identical brains ('a', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', etc.) contains your consciousness at *T2* is challenging. Assuming your consciousness exists in all eleven brains post *T1* raises critical questions: Did your singular consciousness cease to exist, or did it transfer to a specific brain outside the lab? This dilemma highlights profound implications for our understanding of consciousness and identity.
If your existence ceased (no afterlife- discontinued 'your'-'a'consciousness-) at T1, theoretically, "you (a)" could reappear ( at T2 ) in two or more identical brains, in the laboratory setting. However, as extensively discussed in this research, it is not possible for a single consciousness to exist in multiple brains simultaneously. While there may be two, many, or even infinite identical brains in the universe/s, no one experiences( 'feel-aware' ) their consciousness in multiple places at the same time.Although, the brain's quality and quantity continually change over time—encompassing aspects such as neurons, neurochemistry, and the biophysics of brain function—unique consciousness persists from childhood to death within a single brain.The hypothesis concerning the continuum of unique consciousness within the dynamic framework of the material brain presents a complex enigma. It posits that unknown, two fundamental particles—one universally unique (to particular brain) and invariant and the other subject to continuous evolution—coexist within the brain throughout its functional lifespan. This coexistence may elucidate the mechanisms underlying consciousness and its persistence, despite the brain's ongoing structural and functional transformations.This simple reasoning strongly supports the high probability of life ('your' -'a') after death occurring in a single brain at T1,( outside the lab) without any passage of time.
What is the research valuable?
This article examines the ongoing mysteries of consciousness and the afterlife—two topics that have intrigued humanity for centuries. Despite significant advancements in science and technology, there are still no widely accepted scientific theories addressing these problems. Various religious, rational, and irrational beliefs persist among scholars and laypeople alike.
Our research presents a novel idea supported by simple experiments, empirical evidence, and relevant theories. It delves into the complexities of consciousness, its connection to the brain, and the necessity for interdisciplinary collaboration. The study suggests a high possibility of continuous consciousness after death and argues that many multidisciplinary publications align with and support our findings.
If we dismiss the concept of an afterlife, we may struggle to reconcile experimental results with existing theories. Beyond theoretical implications, this article posits that understanding these mysteries could enhance human well-being and foster a more peaceful, happier world. Recognizing the possibility of an afterlife underscores the risks associated with being born into a suffering environment in the universe/s.
By employing new methodologies, this research aims to provide fresh insights that could transform our perception of existence and promote positive growth in individuals and society. This includes advancements in mental and physical well-being and intelligence.
In this controlled thought experiment, we explore the notion that a 'fact ' of 'soul' like unknown particle/s may exist within the ever-changing materialistic brain. We found that 1. there's no free will, 2. Certain ( yet) unknown particle/s might not change brain matter 3. Brain natural functions impact genomic changes on unknown particle/s 4. Mind and behaviors are just natural phenomena ( no free will) 5. Activation of Major ( found over 3000); and innumerable Neuro-psychological (minor ) mind virus (MV) and healthy mind virus ( over 3000 major HMV and innumerable minor MV) might impact certain changes on unknown particles 6. Certain unknown particle/s most probably propagate in infinite speed when you die and bond with the next suitable, vacant nervous stem ( as a result of the natural evolution of your unique consciousness) , 7. Systematic Mind virus scans probably be a method of correct meditation as a ( psychological) virus guard of a brain.8. level of mind virus scan depends on the potential level of intelligence of you and your 'trainer/ teacher' s intelligence level at a certain moment related to a specific mind virus in a specific time...9. While this unknown remains unobservable directly through scientific testing, our hypothesis suggests the existence of an unknown entity rather than any fundamental forces, quantum levels particles, or fields (like electromagnetic, magnetic, gravitational, etc.) which could describe by Maxwell equation in physics, so on. 10. Despite the continual changes in brain matter, structure, and size—from the macroscopic to the quantum levels—healthy individuals experience a consistent sense ( all of you feel a unique identity) of 'consciousness -mind- feeling'- awareness' throughout 'your' lives. This raises profound questions: How does this unique continuity occur? Why does it happen? 11. MV and HMV (described in my other research paper on the evolution of human intelligence), are functions as Neuropsychological factors in a brain not perfectly similar to computer virus and virus guard scanning: however, brain MV and HMV scanning is different and brain is a biological 'computer' 12. ' diagnosis ', categorization, cure,( Scanning ), and prevention methods on MV and HMV were summarization in 8 sentences, I found in a volume of PTS, London,(1),(2), (3),(4) by an ancient philosopher/ teacher, who was in India!
These compelling inquiries have deeply inspired me. I extend my gratitude to all in the most prestigious science journal *Nature* and the team of scientists(5) who published the groundbreaking article on the revival of dead pig brains, which ignited my motivation to write this research Article, finally. Our minds have been greatly disturbed by thousands of peer-reviewed research on meditation ( in PubMed Central I found more than 37900 peer-reviewed publications, review articles on Google Scholar -64,900, and on Google Scholar-1,490,000 research works on meditation!)
What are the big questions still unanswerable?
However, we can not answer the big question of why and how the origin of consciousness. At which level of the nervous system is ready to bond with such 'soul' like 'fact' -the certain unknown particle/s -. 3. Is there any possible way to directly observe and measure in empirical research on the soul-like particles? 4. do we need new science/physics to solve certain big questions?...
Thank you for reading our study.!
I should GREATLY ADMIRE YOUR critical comments!
(1. )SV ,( PTS) 420p. London
(2. )Rahula, W., What the Buddha Taught, The Golden Fraser Gallery Ltd, 1990
(3.)Boddhi, B., The Noble Eight Fold Path, ( Wheel 308/311)
(4.)Nayanatiloka, Buddhist Dictionary, BPS, Kandy, 2004
(5.) Vrselja, Z. et al. Nature 568, 336–343 (2019
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