Population Genetics Group 52 | Oxford, UK. 3-6 January 2019 | https://populationgeneticsgroup.org.uk/ |
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting | Tampa, USA. 3-7 January 2019 | http://www.sicb.org/meetings/2019/ |
International Biogeographical Society Biennial Conference | Malaga, Spain. 8-12 January 2019 | https://www.biogeography.org/meetings/ibsmalaga2019/ |
Ecology & Evolution Ireland | Galway, Ireland. 10-12 January 2019 | https://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/event/ecology-evolution-ireland/ |
The past is a foreign country: how much can the fossil record actually inform conservation? | London, UK. 28-29 January 2019 | https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2019/01/the-past-is-a-foreign-country/ |
4th Conference of the Norwegian Ecological Society | Tromso, Norway. 11-13 February 2019 | https://site.uit.no/nof2019/en/sample-page/ |
Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting | Lunteren, Netherlands. 12-13 February 2019 | https://www.nern.nl/NAEM2019 |
CRISPR ecology and evolution | London, UK. 18-19 February 2019 | https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2019/02/crispr-ecology-evolution/ |
Plant-Herbivore Interaction GRC | Ventura, USA. 24 February-1 March 2019 | https://www.grc.org/plant-herbivore-interaction-conference/2019/ |
Movement Ecology of Animals GRC | Lucca, Italy. 3-8 March 2019 | https://www.grc.org/movement-ecology-of-animals-conference/2019/default.aspx |
Speciation GRC | Ventura, USA. 10-15 March 2019 | https://www.grc.org/speciation-conference/2019/ |
Danish Society Oikos biennial meeting | Aarhus, Denmark. 11-12 March 2019 | https://www.memberplanet.com/events/oikos-dk/danishoikos2019 |
6th Young Natural History Scientists' Meeting | Paris, France. 12-16 March 2019 | https://ynhm2019.sciencesconf.org/ |
International Union for the Study of Social Insects Central European Meeting | Klosterneuburg, Austria. 19-21 March 2019 | http://ist.ac.at/iussi19/ |
American Association of Physical Anthropologists 88th Annual Meeting | Cleveland, USA. 27-30 March 2019 | http://physanth.org/annual-meetings/88th-annual-meeting-2019/ |
Reconstructing the Human Past - Using Ancient and Modern Genomics | EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. 31 March-3 April 2019 | https://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2019/EES19-02 |
Evolution Evolving | Cambridge, UK. 1-4 April 2019 | https://evolutionevolving.org/ |
Third UK Plant Evolution Meeting | London, UK. 3-5 April 2019 | https://www.kew.org/kew-gardens/whats-on/3rd-uk-plant-evolution-meeting |
Unifying Tropical Ecology | Edinburgh, UK. 8-12 April 2019 | https://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/events/ute2019/ |
Society for American Archaeology 84th Annual Meeting | Albuquerque, USA. 10-14 April 2019 | http://www.saa.org/AbouttheSociety/AnnualMeeting/tabid/138/Default.aspx |
Fresh Blood for Fresh Water | Tihany, Hungary. 23-27 April 2019 | http://fbfw2019.okologia.mta.hu/ |
Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology | Hinxton, UK. 25-26 April 2019 | https://www.ebi.ac.uk/about/events/2019/workshop-mathematical-and-statistical-aspects-molecular-biology |
The Biology of Genomes | Cold Spring Harbor, USA. 7-11 May 2019 | https://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings.aspx?meet=GENOME&year=19 |
The Identity and Evolution of Cell Types | EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. 15-18 May 2019 | https://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2019/EES19-04/ |
14th Ecology & Behaviour Conference | Toulouse, France. 19-24 May 2019 | https://eb2019.sciencesconf.org/ |
Computational & Mathematical Population Dynamics 5 | Fort Lauderdale, USA. 19-24 May 2019 | http://www.math.fau.edu/cmpd5/ |
International Conference on Community Ecology | Bologna, Italy. 4-6 June 2019 | https://confcomec.akcongress.com/ |
Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution GRC | Easton, USA. 9-14 June 2019 | https://www.grc.org/molecular-mechanisms-in-evolution-conference/2019/ |
Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases | Princeton, USA. 10-13 June 2019 | http://ideas.princeton.edu/eeid-2019/ |
Animal-Microbe Symbioses GRC | West Dover, USA. 16-21 June 2019 | https://www.grc.org/animal-microbe-symbioses-conference/2019/ |
Biennial Conference of the Systematics Association | Bristol, UK. 17-19 June 2019 | https://systass.org/events-2019/biennial-2019/ |
Evolution 2019 | Providence, USA. 21-25 June 2019 | http://www.evolutionmeetings.org/evolution-2019---providence.html |
American Ornithology 2019 | Anchorage, USA. 24-28 June 2019 | https://amornithmeeting.org/ |
Asia Pacific Conference on Human Evolution | Brisbane, Australia. 25-27 June 2019. | https://www.griffith.edu.au/environmental-futures-research-institute/research-centre-human-evolution/news-events/asia-pacific-conference-human-evolution |
International Society for the History, Philosophy & Social Sciences of Biology biennial meeting | Oslo, Norway. 7-12 July 2019 | http://ishpssb2019.tekniskmuseum.no/ |
Microbial Population Biology GRC | Andover, USA. 7-12 July 2019 | https://www.grc.org/microbial-population-biology-conference/2019/ |
Island Biology 2019 | Reunion, France. 8-13 July 2019 | https://ib2019.sciencesconf.org/ |
Marine Molecular Ecology GRC | Hong Kong, China. 14-19 July 2019 | https://www.grc.org/marine-molecular-ecology-conference/2019/ |
Ecological & Evolutionary Genomics GRC | Biddeford, USA. 14-19 July 2019 | https://www.grc.org/ecological-and-evolutionary-genomics-conference/2019/ |
International Society of Evolution, Ecology & Cancer | Hinxton, UK. 16-19 July 2019 | http://www.iseec.org/ |
Mathematical Models in Ecology & Evolution | Lyon, France. 16-19 July 2019 | https://mmee2019lyon.sciencesconf.org/ |
International Congress for Conservation Biology | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 21-25 July 2019 | https://conbio.org/mini-sites/iccb-2019 |
Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution 2019 | Manchester, UK. 21-25 July 2019 | http://smbe2019.org/ |
Archaea: Ecology, metabolism & Molecular Biology GRC | Les Diablerets, Switzerland. 21-26 July 2019 | https://www.grc.org/archaea-ecology-metabolism-and-molecular-biology-conference/2019/ |
Species on the Move | Kruger National Park, South Africa. 22-26 July 2019 | http://www.speciesonthemove.com/ |
Behaviour 2019 | Chicago, USA. 23-27 July 2019 | http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/2019/ |
Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals | Lisbon, Portugal. 29 July-2 August 2019 | https://eeflisbon2019.org/en |
Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation 56th Annual Meeting | Antananarivo, Madagascar. 30 July-3 August 2019 | https://atbc2019.org/ |
Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology 3rd Biennial Meeting | Miami, USA. 30 July-2 August 2019 | http://www.evodevopanam.org/3rd-biennial-meeting.html |
East African Association for Paleoanthropology & Paleontology 7th Biennial Conference | Nairobi, Kenya. 1-4 August 2019 | https://eaappinfo.wordpress.com/2019-2/ |
Ecological Society of America 104th Annual Meeting | Louisville, USA. 11-16 August 2019 | https://esa.org/louisville/ |
International Society for Evolution, Medicine & Public Health 5th Annual Meeting | Zurich, Switzerland. 13-16 August 2019 | https://isemph.org/2019-Meeting |
Eco-Evo-Ento 2019 | Fredericton, Canada. 18-21 August 2019 | http://csee-esc2019.ca/ |
European Society for Evolutionary Biology | Turku, Finland. 19-24 August 2019 | https://eseb2019.fi/ |
European Marine Biology Symposium | Dublin, Ireland. 25-29 August 2019 | https://embs54.ucd.ie/ |
12th Congress of the European Ornithologists' Union | Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 26-30 August 2019 | https://eounion.org/cluj-napoca-2019/ |
Conservation Optimism Summit | Oxford, UK. 2-4 September 2019 | https://conservationoptimism.org/summit |
The origin and rise of complex life: integrating models, geochemical and palaeontological data | London, UK. 8-9 September 2019 | https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2019/09/complex-life/ |
Resistance '19 - the science of pesticide resistance | Rothamsted Research, UK. 16-18 September 2019 | https://www.rothamsted.ac.uk/resistance19 |
OceanObs'19 | Honolulu, USA. 16-20 September 2019 | http://www.oceanobs19.net/ |
Mechanisms and Evolution of Intergenerational Change | Hinxton, UK. 24-26 September 2019 | https://coursesandconferences.wellcomegenomecampus.org/our-events/mechanisms-and-evolution-of-intergenerational-change-2019/ |
European Society for the study of Human Evolution 9th Annual Meeting | Venue tbc. September 2019 | http://www.eshe.eu/meetings.html |
Wildlfie Research & Conservation 2019 | Berlin, Germany. 30 September-2 October 2019 | http://www.izw-berlin.de/welcome-234.html |
24th Symposium of Myrmecology | Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 30 September-4 October 2019 | https://formigasdobrasil.com/mirmecologia/eventos |
Student Conference on Conservation Science | New York, USA. 2-4 October 2019 | https://www.amnh.org/research/center-for-biodiversity-conservation/convening-and-connecting/student-conference-on-conservation-science-new-york-sccs-ny |
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 79th Annual Meeting | Brisbane, Australia. 9-12 October 2019 | http://vertpaleo.org/Annual-Meeting/Future-Past-Meetings.aspx |
Scandanavian Association for Pollination Ecology | Lund, Sweden. October 2019 | https://jeffollerton.wordpress.com/scape-the-scandinavian-association-for-pollination-ecology/ |
Entomology 2019 | St Louis, USA. 17-20 November 2019 | https://www.entsoc.org/entomology2019 |
Ecological Society of Australia 2019 | Launceston, Australia, 24-29 November 2019 | https://www.esa2019.org.au/ |
Epidemics7 - International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics | Charleston, USA. 3-6 December 2019 | https://www.elsevier.com/events/conferences/international-conference-on-infectious-disease-dynamics |
Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting | Valencia, Spain. December 2019 | https://www.palass.org/meetings-events/annual-meeting |
British Ecological Society Annual Meeting | Belfast, UK. 10-13 December 2019 | https://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/events/annual-meeting-2019/ |
The Allied Genetics Conference 2020 | Washington DC, USA. 22-26 April 2020 | http://conferences.genetics-gsa.org/tagc/2020/index |
International Coral Reef Symposium | Bremen, Germany. 5-10 July 2020 | http://www.icrs2020.de/ |
18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology | Cape Town, South Africa. 9-14 August 2020 | http://isme18.isme-microbes.org/symposia-events |
18th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology | Melbourne, Australia. Dates tbc | http://www.behavecol.com/meetings-conferences/ |
11th International Conference on Biological Invasions | Vodice, Croatia. 15-18 September 2020 | https://www.neobiota.eu/conferences/ |
Ecology & Evolution Conferences 2019
Please help us to make this list comprehensive by suggesting conferences to add.
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Ecology & Evolution
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Nature Ecology & Evolution
This journal is interested in the full spectrum of ecological and evolutionary biology, encompassing approaches at the molecular, organismal, population, community and ecosystem levels, as well as relevant parts of the social sciences.
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Dear Mr. Goymer,
I would suggest two more conferences. Could you add them to this list?
2nd International Conference on Community Ecology: Bologna, Italy. 4-6 June 2019
Youth conference in Limnology - 6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water: Tihany, Hungary. 23-27 April 2019
Yours Sincerely,
Anett Endrédi
Thanks very much - I've added them to the list.
These conferences are cool, can I order the T-shirt?
Thanks Patrick, the platter looks sumptuous even as of now!
Thank you for the list!
I would suggest adding the EOU Conference also to the list. It will be held at Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 26-30 August. https://eounion.org/cluj-napoca-2019/
Yours sincerely,
Attila Marton
Thanks! I've added it.
Great compilation! Could you add the Island Biology conference in La Réunion 8-13 July? https://ib2019.sciencesconf.org/
Thanks - I've added it
Great list! I would suggest adding the following conference:
Wildlife Research and Conservation 2019, Berlin, Germany, 30 September – 2 October 2019.
Many thanks!
Best regards,
thanks - I've added it.
Thank you for the list! I would also suggest another conference:
14th Ecology & Behaviour meeting in Toulouse (France), May 19-24th 2019 https://eb2019.sciencesconf.org/
Thanks again,
Thanks! I've added this one.
Dear Patrick,
Many thanks for this list!
I would suggest adding the following conference:
3rd UK Plant Evolution Meeting. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Richmond. United Kingdom. 3-5 April 2019
Jaume Pellicer
Thanks very much Jaume - I've added this one to the list.
Dear Patrick,
I would suggest adding the following conference:
8th European Congress of Mammalogy, Warsaw Poland, 23 - 27 September 2019
Zbigniew Borowski
This is a great list. I would suggest adding "Botany 2019, Tucson, Arizona, USA. July 27-31, 2019"
Rosa A. Rodriguez-Pena
Dear Mr. Goymer,
I realize it's a bit of a short notice, but could you add an additional conference to this list?
Specifically, "Mechanisms and Evolution of Intergenerational Change"; Hinxton, UK, 24-26th September 2019 at the Wellcome Genome Campus
Conference link: https://coursesandconferences.wellcomegenomecampus.org/our-events/mechanisms-and-evolution-of-intergenerational-change-2019/
Best wishes,
Nick Burton
Thanks Nick - that's added.
Dear Mr. Goymer,
I would like to suggest one congress to the list:
1st International Congress of Cacti and Succulents : Saltillo, Mexico. 23-27 September 2019 https://www.cicys-saltillo.info/?lang=en
Thanks in advance.
Also late notice, but the International Biogeography Society Humboldt Meeting is August 5-9 (https://humboldt250-ecuador.org/).
Dear Mr. Goymer,
We would like to suggest one conference and one symposium. Could you, please, add them to the list?
1) EMBL Conference: Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution and Ecology
LOCATION & DATES: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 30 Sep - 3 Oct 2020
Website: https://www.embl.de/training/events/2020/EAE20-01/
2) EMBO | EMBL Symposium: The Organism and its EnvironmentLOCATION & DATES: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 1 - 4 Mar 2020
Website: https://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2020/EES20-01/
Kind regards,
EMBL Events
Dear Mr. Goymer,
We would like to suggest a symposium. Could you, please, add it to the list?
EMBO | EMBL Symposium: The Molecular Basis and Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism
EMBL Advanced Training Centre, Meyerhofstraße 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Website: https://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2020/EES20-09/
Kind regards,
EMBL Events
Dear Patrick,
Here an event suggestion:
21st Science and Society Conference: Our House is Burning: Scientific and Societal Responses to Mass Extinction – Virtual
Thank you for your consideration.
Best wishes,