What are the characteristics of an Exchange Protocol?
I have created a short screencast highlighting some essential features:
– each Exchange Protocol is associated with a Lab Group
– each has a DOI
– the Procedure is a series of numbered steps in the active tense
– you can add a query for the author, or other comment
– you can add the protocol to a list of favourites
You can browse for other Exchange Protocols by clicking here.
How do you create an Exchange Protocol
The first time you come to share a protocol, this will be a two stage process, both of which are very easy to do.
Stage 1 is “Creating a labgroup”, and Stage 2 is “Creating the protocol”.
I have made two screen casts that show how these steps are achieved.
How to create a lab group starting from http://www.nature.com/protocolexchange/
How to create the protocol starting from http://www.nature.com/protocolexchange/protocols/new
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