Complete your profile to connect with more peers worldwide

Complete your profile to make the most of the Communities and help others find your profile. An up to date and full profile helps with your visibility on the Communities, increasing chances of to build and expand your networks.
Complete your profile to connect with more peers worldwide

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To get the most out of the Research Communities, we recommend that your profile is complete and up to date. Not only will this encourage other members to follow and engage with you through the Communities, but will also improve the visibility of your content. 

      Complete your profile to make the most of the Communities and help others find your profile. An up to date and full profile helps with your visibility on the Communities, increasing chances of to build and expand your networks.

      For a step-by-step explanation, please see the details below...

      You can update your profile in the ‘Edit Profile’ section of your profile drop-down menu in the top right corner (under your profile photo).

      To ensure that you have a complete profile, please check that you have added:

      • your full name 
      • current role title, affiliation, and location
      • a profile photo
      • a short intro in the ‘About You’ section; a chance to introduce yourself and your field of expertise and interests in a bit more detail

      If you’d like for other members to be able to get in touch and connect with you outside of the Communities, we encourage that you also include:

      • your email address
      • your social media links
      • a link to your personal or institutional webpage (if you have one)
      • any other contact details you would like to share

      Here’s an example of what a complete profile looks like:

      An example of a user profile. Where a profile picture, name, and job title, organisation and location are shown against a dark blue background. Buttons to 'Start Panel' and 'Follow' are shown below this. Further down there is a paragraph including biography information followed by summary boxes showing the user's most popular content. Further social media links are provided within a box on the right hand side.

      If you have any questions about how to make your profile shine, please get in touch with the team and we’ll be happy to help.

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      If you are a registered user on Research Communities by Springer Nature, please sign in