About K.L. Senarath Dayathilake
MY Dear Great Friends 💙🙏
My only attempt is to make a happy, healthy, and more peaceful place on Earth for all by uncovering the mysteries of the human brain and mind, to the best of my ability, with the best psychological research supported by many other scientific disciplines, including early Buddhist teachings/psychology, physics, philosophy, neuroscience, mathematics, and logic, using robust scientific methodologies to support policymakers to politicians; the poorer to billionaires, youth to elders, abled to differently-abled people, in a highly diversified world. In other words, to find the science of beautiful minds and behaviors: The science of compassion, loving-kindness, sympathetic joy, and equanimity to uncover your better/best happiness. If the afterlife occurs, find out how to get ready or evolve our brain and mind for a better birth in the next life. However, I found it is a matter of intelligence evolution in a great network of personal, social, and global (and probably universal) levels. Finally, therefore, we have to scan the mind virus with a healthy mind virus of people, supported by intellectuals' efficient communication, teachings (a better or the best way might be an eight-fold methodology), and training (which may be the better or best way). This may include scientific meditation in a broad sense—Buddhist psychotherapy: because more than 37,000 peer-reviewed studies—e.g., in PubMed Central—on meditation suggest such conclusions (at the moment).on Google Scholar there are review articles more than 60,000 and all research works more than 1,490,000) Therefore, such training and mindful learning may evolve intelligent decisions for all in the diversified world and by great leaders with greater intelligence. I kindly invite you all to participate selflessly—finding our great hidden intellectual potential as one global family, which might create beautiful minds in a healthier, peaceful, and more generous world: with less/no hate, delusions, greed, bribery, corruption, violence, crime, war... or in other words, evolve intelligence towards a truly happier world—as it is myas it is my only wish.
Thanks to everyone who helped but challenged ( or tried to disturb and discourage) us and our work. Those help and disturbances thoroughly sharpened our minds, and behaviors, and enhanced healthy mind viruses in my mind.
However, we came in a different way as an 'untraditional' scholar and did the work without any financial or institutional support and I have devoted my whole youth selflessly. Finally, I'm so grateful to my noblest late parents and the world's leading institutions that we have been nominated for their highly prestigious awards (more than twenty-five).
Thank you!đź’™
All of your 'best' friends,
Most sincerely,
Senarath Dayathilake
Sri Lanka
❤️Any critical comments- to scientific dialog -are most welcome!
M: +94712244455
M: +94777173971