Kumar Varoon Agrawal

Assistant Professor, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
  • Switzerland

About Kumar Varoon Agrawal

Kumar is the GAZNAT Chair of Advanced Separations and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (ISIC) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). His research group is developing synthetic routes for realizing the two-dimensional nanoporous membranes with a precise control of nanopore size and functionality.  Kumar received his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT Bombay in 2005.  Following this, he joined the global R&D division of Procter & Gamble in Kobe, Japan working on the product design (2005-2008). Subsequently, Kumar joined the group of Michael Tsapatsis (University of Minnesota) for a Ph.D. in chemical engineering (2008-2013). His thesis work led to the development of two-dimensional zeolite nanosheets (refer to Varoon (Agrawal) et al., Science 334, 72-75, 2011). Kumar joined Michael Strano group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a postdoctoral researcher (2014) where he studied the effect of nanoconfinement on the phase transition behavior of fluids (refer to Agrawal et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 12, 267-273, 2017). Kumar is the recipient of several awards including North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Young Membrane Scientist Award (2018), AIChE Separations Division Graduate Student Research Award (2013), Sigma Xi Award (2013), University of Minnesota Doctoral Degree Fellowship (2012), IIT Bombay Institute Silver Medal (2005), and Manudhane Best Undergraduate Student award (2005).


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