Nature Climate Change
A monthly journal dedicated to publishing the most significant and cutting-edge research on the nature, underlying causes or impacts of global climate change and its implications for the economy, policy and the world at large.
Favorability towards natural gas relates to funding source of university energy centers
Our study in Nature Climate Change is the first to consider the policy positioning of university-based energy centers using a “text as data” approach. Analyzing one million+ sentences, we find that reports written by fossil-funded centers are more favorable towards natural gas than renewables.
What will it take to make aviation climate neutral?
Although currently left out of international climate agreements, the aviation sector - if left unmitigated - could jeopardize achieving the Paris agreement. We explored what climate neutrality means for the aviation sector and assessed the magnitude of the necessary efforts.
Difference climate response persistence causes warming trend unevenness at continental scales
GW exhibits differences at continental scales. We show that CMIP6 models underestimate warming unevenness, possibly leading to a biased estimation of anthropogenic influence on warming. We find that SAT changes over China more sensitive to external forcing owing to stronger long-range persistence.
Telling the tale of rising seas and Africa’s Heritage Sites
Together with 12 other colleagues from 13 institutions, across 8 countries and with different scientific backgrounds, we just completed an analysis on vulnerability of coastal African Heritage sites to climate change. Here we discuss our experience and the main outcomes of our efforts.