Nature Food
This journal aims to provide researchers and policy-makers with a breadth of evidence and expert narratives on optimising and securing food systems for the future.
Fishing for subsistence constitutes a livelihood safety net for populations dependent upon aquatic foods around the world
Small-scale fisheries are an important source of livelihoods. We provide global estimates of the number of livelihoods supported and use estimates of subsistence fishing to measure the significance of this part of the aquatic food system as safety nets for coastal and riparian communities.
Using system modeling tools to improve conceptual representations of the role of agriculture in achieving food security
Systems modeling conventions can clarify conceptual frameworks linking agriculture and food security outcomes
One Health aquaculture - everyone's business
Aquaculture has evolved into a major global food sector. Rapid growth necessitates an evidence and policy makeover fit for a doubling of output by 2050. A One Health approach, drawing on a broad expertise outside of traditional aquatic disciplines is now needed to realise it's full potential