Nature Geoscience
A monthly multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together top-quality research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences along with relevant work in related areas.
China’s Clean Air Action plans promote ecosystem productivity
In this study, we found robust recovery of terrestrial productivity from reducing both aerosols and surface ozone due to the implementation of China’s Clean Air Action, emphasizing the dual benefits of air pollution control for improving public health and achieving carbon neutrality in China.
Intense bottom trawling impairs carbon storage in marine sediments
This is a "Behind the Paper" post for our recently published paper "Long-term carbon storage in shelf sea sediments reduced by intensive bottom trawling" in Nature Geoscience.
Porphyry copper formation driven by water-fluxed melting during flat-slab subduction
Many major porphyry copper deposits formed during periods of flat-slab subduction, however, the mechanism to explain this has remained unclear. Here we show that porphyry copper deposits in Arizona formed from crustal melting due to the interaction of volatiles derived from the Farallon flat-slab.
Fire is already Weakening the Worlds Carbon Sinks
As global temperatures hit 1.3°C, fires are already disrupting ecosystems and limiting their ability to absorb carbon. Climate policy must recognize how fires affect remaining carbon budgets as well as fires impact on people and the planet, even before reaching the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C target.
The contribution of seismic processes on the Earth’s rotation
A team of researchers have analyzed the influence of seismic processes to Earth's rotation
The contribution of melting of global glaciers on the Earth’s rotation
A team of researchers have quantified the influence of melting of global glaciers on the Earth's rotation
The contribution of melting of polar icesheets on the Earth’s rotation
A team of researchers have quantified the impact of melting of polar icesheets on the Earth's rotation
The causes of decadal oscillations in the Earth’s rotation
A team of researchers have found the causes of quasi-decadal oscillations in the Earth's rotation
The causes of Markowitz wobble
A team of researchers have found the long-sought causes of the Markowitz wobble
The secular trend in historical records of polar motion and length of day
A team of researchers have found the causes of secular trend in the polar motion and length of day
A reappraisal of the Earth rotation variations
A team of researchers have analyzed the irregularities in Earth's rotation since 1900