Nature Reviews Physics
An online-only journal publishing high-quality technical reference, review and commentary articles in all areas of fundamental and applied physics.
Interactions: Ankita Anirban
Ankita joins Nature Reviews Physics after a brief period as locum associate editor at Nature Reviews Materials.
What it’s like to be a Reviews editor
Have you ever wondered what reviews editors do? Chasing authors to submit and making edits to the text of the reviews? That is just a small part of it.
Interactions: Georgia Francis
Georgia Francis is a Senior Editorial Assistant for the Nature Reviews journals, who works hard to keep Nature Reviews Physics running smoothly.
Interactions: Anastasiia Novikova
Anastasiia Novikova will join Nature Reviews Physics in January after a PhD at Synchrotron SOLEIL and a postdoc at CEA Saclay in France.
Interactions: Zoe Budrikis
Zoe Budrikis joined Nature Reviews Physics after postdoctoral research at the ISI Foundation in Turin and at the Center for Complexity and Biosystems at the University of Milan and a PhD from the University of Western Australia.
Interactions: Iulia Georgescu
Iulia Georgescu is the Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Physics. Previously, she was an editor of Nature Physics, where she managed to sneak in three original “Alice in wonderland” illustrations (1, 2, 3) and the self-declared best cover-line ever.