A feature of the new, improved Protocol Exchange site is that each protocol is associated with a Lab Group. A full list of these Lab Groups can be access from the Lab Groups tab.
Lab groups can be:
1. Closed (all of the Lab Groups in the above example). This means that you can only become a member of the Lab Group if you are invited by the Lab Group Owner.
2. Accepting Requests (identified by the link “Apply to group”). This means that any user of Protocol Exchange can request to join this Lab Group, this application will be accepted or declined by the Lab Group Owner.
3. Open (identified by the link “Join group”). This means that any user of Protocol Exchange can join this group.
If you are a member of a Lab Group you can share protocols, or make a list of publications associated with the group by entering the DOIs for each article.
The Kurgan Lab, for example, has uploaded 1 protocol and listed 30 publications.
Most of the Lab Groups on our site are from Academic Institutions, but it is also possible for Commercial organisations to create a Lab Group and upload their protocols.
Two example of these are:
Targefect Transfection Group, Targeting Systems
When their protocols are listed, for example, on the Browse section, it is clearly marked that they are contributed by suppliers.
Another defining feature of the Lab Group is that you can upload a logo! The maximum allowed dimenstions are 200 X 100 pixels (width x height). I have made a list of the labgroups that have logos below; some of them are rather beautiful!
Sherwood’s Lab, Duke University
Sorger Lab, Harvard Systems Biology
Suga’s Lab (Hiroaki Suga), The University of Tokyo
Zaffran group, INSERM unit 910, Université de la Méditerranée
Guaza´s Lab, Cajal Institute, Madrid
Haseeb’s Lab (King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Kurgan Lab (University of Alberta)
Ren Lab, Oregon Health & Science University
Targefect Transfection Group, Targeting Systems
More information about Lab Groups can be found in the About page.*
If you find that you have a protocol on the Exchange that was migrated from the old Protocols Network, and you want to get connected with the group that was automatically created, please do get in touch at: protocol.exchange@nature.com.
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