How can Springer Nature help you with your research data?

Get free advice from our research data help desk
Do you have a question about research data? To help you find answers quickly, our expert team has put together free articles on the most common research data questions.
Find a recommended repository for your data
Data which are formally archived in a repository are more likely to be accessible for the longer term. They are also easier to find, to reuse and to cite. To help you select the right repository for their data, we have put together a list of recommended repositories.
Publish your research data
Data publishing provides an opportunity for researchers to increase the findability and accessibility of their datasets via a peer-reviewed publication.
Find out about research data training
These in-person and online workshops address the challenges researchers encounter around data sharing. Part of Nature Research Academies, our workshops offer trusted quality and a professional perspective on research.
Join our Research Data Community
Keep up to date with the latest advice and resources. The Research Data Community is a space for those working with research data to discuss ideas, find support, and share best practice.
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