From the Editors
Updates and insights from the Editors
Journal Club | The social butterfly effect
Social interactions affect your microbiome (at least if you’re a chimp)
High, dry and very, very chilly.
Originally thought to be sterile, the Dry Valleys in Antarctica have been revealed to play home to a functioning microbial ecosystem, although this is limited at high elevation according to a paper published in The ISME Journal.
Journal Club | Iceman’s stomach bug may shed new light on his origins
5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman
New on Intrinsic cardiovascular autonomic regulatory system of astronauts exposed long-term to microgravity in space: observational study
Published online on November 30, 2015 by Scientific Reports, this article by Kuniaki Otsuka, Yutaka Kubo, Mitsutoshi Hayashi, Naomune Yamamoto and Koichi Shibata, Germaine Cornelissen and Tatsuya Aiba, Satoshi Furukawa, Hiroshi Ohshima and Chiaki Mukai is now available to view.
New on Dysfunctional vestibular system causes a blood pressure drop in astronauts returning from space
Published online on December 15, 2015, this article by Emma Hallgren Floris L. Wuyts and Erik Fransen, Pierre-François Migeotte and Quentin Delière, Ludmila Kornilova and Dmitrii Glukhikh , Steven T. Moore, Gilles Clément, André Diedrich and Hamish MacDougall is now available to view.
New on Mechanisms of three-dimensional growth of thyroid cells during long-term simulated microgravity
Published online by Scientific Reports, this article by Sascha Kopp, Elisabeth Warnke, Markus Wehland, Ganna Aleshcheva and Manfred Infanger, Ruth Hemmersbach, Thomas Juhl Corydon, Daniela Grimm and Nils E. Magnusson and Johann Bauer is now available to view.
npj Microgravity Article: Intrinsic cardiovascular autonomic regulatory system of astronauts exposed long-term to microgravity in space: observational study
This article by Kuniaki Otsuka, Yutaka Kubo, Mitsutoshi Hayashi, Naomune Yamamoto and Koichi Shibata (Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan), Germaine Cornelissen (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA), Tatsuya Aiba, Satoshi Furukawa, Hiroshi Ohshima and Chiaki Mukai (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tokyo, Japan) was published online by npj Microgravity on November 30, 2015.
npj Microgravity Article: Alterations in adaptive immunity persist during long-duration spaceflight
This article by Brian Crucian and Duane Pierson (NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA), Raymond P Stowe (Microgen Laboratories, La Marque, TX, USA),
Satish Mehta (Enterprise Advisory Services, Inc., Houston, TX, USA), Heather Quiriarte (JES Tech, Houston, TX, USA) and Clarence Sams (Space and Clinical Operations Division, Houston, TX, USA) was published online by npj Microgravity on September 3, 2015.