From the Editors
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npj Microgravity Article: Alterations in adaptive immunity persist during long-duration spaceflight
This article by Brian Crucian and Duane Pierson (NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA), Raymond P Stowe (Microgen Laboratories, La Marque, TX, USA),
Satish Mehta (Enterprise Advisory Services, Inc., Houston, TX, USA), Heather Quiriarte (JES Tech, Houston, TX, USA) and Clarence Sams (Space and Clinical Operations Division, Houston, TX, USA) was published online by npj Microgravity on September 3, 2015.
npj Microgravity Article: Observational study: microgravity testing of a phase-change reference on the International Space Station
This article by T Shane Topham, Gail E Bingham and Harri Latvakoski (Utah State University Research Foundation, North Logan, UT, USA), Igor Podolski and Vladimir S Sychev (Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SSCRF-IBMP RAS), Moscow, Russia) and Andre Burdakin (Russian Scientific Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (VNIIOFI), Moscow, Russia) was published online by npj Microgravity on August 20, 2015.
npj Microgravity Article: Effects of angular frequency during clinorotation on mesenchymal stem cell morphology and migration
This article by Carlos Luna and Adam H Hsieh (University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA) and Alvin G Yew (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA) was published online by npj Microgravity on 30 July, 2015.
npj Microgravity Review Article: The economics of microgravity research
This article by Jeanne M DiFrancesco (ProOrbis, LLC, Malvern, PA, USA) and John M Olson (Lakeville, MN, USA) was published online by npj Microgravity on May 27, 2015.
npj Microgravity Brief Communication: How antifoams act: a microgravity study
This article by Pavel Yazhgur, Dominique Langevin, Vincent Klein, Emmanuelle Rio and Anniina Salonen (Université Paris Sud—CNRS UMR, Orsay, France) and Hervé Caps (Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium) was published online by npj Microgravity on May 27, 2015.