3rd Frontiers in Electron Microscopy for Physical and Life Sciences

Join this Nature Conference organized by Princeton University, Nature Materials, Nature Catalysis, Nature and Nature Methods.
The 3rd edition of this conference will bring together researchers from physical and life sciences working on cutting-edge electron microscopy technologies, with an emphasis on identifying and addressing new challenges, promoting synergies and developing the next generation of instruments and tools . Sessions include:
- 2D Materials
- Machine learning and computational approaches
- Methods development and sample preparation
- In situ methods - catalysis
Keynote presentations will be in charge of Bridget Carragher, Pratibha Gai, and Kostya Novoselov. Plus 17 more presentations on breakthrough and unpublished research, make this event unmissable.
Last chance to register! Registration will be closing on October 7th.
Learn more and secure your space at https://conferences.nature.com/event/FrontiersElecMicro3/summary
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Nature Methods
This journal is a forum for the publication of novel methods and significant improvements to tried-and-tested basic research techniques in the life sciences.
A weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.
Nature Catalysis
This journal brings together researchers from across all chemistry and related fields, publishing work on homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, and biocatalysts, incorporating both fundamental and applied studies.
Nature Materials
A monthly multi-disciplinary journal that brings together cutting-edge research across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering, including applied and fundamental aspects of the synthesis/processing, structure/composition, properties and performance of materials.