Good reads from our journal if your time is quiet

Selected readings from Nature Sustainability, free to read online.
Published in Sustainability
Good reads from our journal if your time is quiet

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Given the COVID19 outbreak, many of you might be spending a quieter time due to self-isolation, social distancing etc. (we appreciate others are busier, e.g. taking care of children at home or preparing online teaching material).

We also believe that many are looking for good reads other than virus-related pieces. 

To contribute with our grain of sand (a Spanish say—sorry I couldn't find the English equivalent), in the Nature Sustainability Twitter account we're tweeting the SharedIt link of a few articles on most days. SharedIt links give free access for anyone to read the articles online.

Here are the articles shared so far this way (the headings are minimalist summaries for tweeting, not the actual paper titles):

sustainable pharma development app
weed diversity for + yields
tackle hunger with equality, not productivity
halting global decline of lands
knowledge gaps on biodiversity impacts of growing cities
soil erosion reflects country borders
how our stances affect research 
gender & energy in India
planetary boundaries amplified
nanotech to capture glyphosate

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Go to the profile of Ben Johnson
almost 5 years ago

What a great idea! I'm going to start reading these and will be an expert on sustainability by the end of the outbreak :)

Go to the profile of Aiora Zabala
almost 5 years ago

That's the plan! :)

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