Abimbola, Seye
Abu-Sada, Caroline
In the Eyes of Others: How People in Crises Perceive Humanitarian Aid
Acharya, Bhibav & Becker, Anne
Global Mental Health Training and Practice
Adams, Vincanne
Metrics: What Counts in Global Health
Adeyi, Olusoji |
Global Health In Practice: Investing Amidst Pandemics, Denial Of Evidence, And Neo-dependency
Adler-Bolton, Beatrice & Vierkant, Artie |
Akbar, Arifa |
Consumed: A Sister's Story |
Alexander, Jessica |
Chasing Chaos: My Decade In and Out of Humanitarian Aid |
Alfred, Taiaiake |
It’s All about the Land: Collected Talks and Interviews on Indigenous Resurgence
Anderson, Warwick |
Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines |
Andrews, Kehinde
Andrews, Kehinde
The Psychosis of Whiteness: Surviving the Insanity of a Racist World
Antia, Noshir
A Life of Change: The Autobiography of a Doctor
Anya, Ike |
Small by Small: Becoming a Doctor in 1990s Nigeria
Archibald-Varley, Amie & Fung, Sara |
The Wisdom of Nurses
Arole, Rajanikant & Mabelle |
Jamkhed: A Comprehensive Rural Health Project |
Armytage, Rosita
Big Capital In An Unequal World
Ashley, Florence
Asi, Yara
How War Kills
Atkinson, Anthony
Inequality: What Can Be Done?
Badawi, Zeinab
An African History of Africa
Baker, Josephine
Fighting For Life
Bang, Rani
Putting Women First: Women and Health in a Rural Community
Banerjee, Abhijit & Duflo, Esther
Poor Economics
Banerjee, Abhijit & Duflo, Esther
Good Economics for Hard Times
Bashford, Alison
Imperial Hygiene: A Critical History of Colonialism, Nationalism and Public Health
Barber, Benjamin
Bartolo, Pietro & Tilotta, Lidia
Tears of Salt: A Doctor's Story of the Refugee Crisis
Barry, John
The Great Influenza
Bass, Emily |
To End A Plague |
Beard, Mary |
Women & Power: A Manifesto |
Behrman, Greg
The Invisible People
Benatar, Solomon
Benjamin, Ruha
Viral Justice: How We Grow The World We Want
Benton, Adia
HIV Exceptionalism
Berkowitz, Aaron
One by One by One
Bhakuni, Himani & Miotto, Lucas
Justice in Global Health
Bhambra, Gurminder & Gebrial, Dalia & Nisanclogu, Kerem
Decolonising the University
Bhopal, Kalwant & Myers, Martin
Elite Universities and the Making of Privilege
Biccard, Bruce
Biehl, João & Petryna, Adriana
When People Come First
Birn, Anne-Emanuelle & Pillay, Yogan & Holtz, Timothy
Textbook of Global Health
Black, Benjamin
Blackstock, Uche
Block, Jennie; Lysaught, Therese & Martins, Alexandre
A Prophet to the Peoples: Paul Farmer's Witness and Theological Ethics
Bollyky, Thomas
Plagues and the Paradox of Progress
Brauman, Rony
Humanitaire : Le Dilemme
Breihl, Jaime
Bresnahan, Andrew & Brindamour, Mahli & Charles, Christopher |
Upstream Medicine: Doctors for a Healthy Society |
Brewis, Alexandra & Wutich, Amber
Lazy, Crazy, and Disgusting: Stigma and the Undoing of Global Health
Brown, Damien
Brown, Jasmine
Twice as Hard
Brunette-Debassige, Candace
Tricky Grounds: Indigenous women's experiences in Canadian university administration
Budabin, Alexandra & Richey, Lisa Ann
Batman Saves The Congo
Burgess, Rochelle
Rethinking Global Health
Buse, Kent; Mays, Nicholas; Colombini, Manuela; Fraser, Alec; Khan, Mishal; Walls, Helen
Making Health Policy, 3rd Edition
Cagle, Hugh
Assembling the Tropics: Science and Medicine in Portugal's Empire
Camus, Albert
The Plague
Capua, Ilaria
Celi, Leo Anthony & Majumder Maimuna & Ordonez, Patricia & Osorio, Juan Sebastian & Paik, Kenneth & Somai, Melek
Leveraging Data Science For Global Health
Chambers, Robert
Whose Reality Counts?
Chigudu, Simukai
The Political Life of an Epidemic
Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Ahmed, Yasmin; Islam, Khairul & Moral, Shishir
50 Years of Bangladesh: Advances in Health
Clarke, Rachel
Breathtaking: Inside the NHS in a time of pandemic
Cleghorn, Elinor
Unwell Women: Misdiagnosis and Myth in a Man-made World
Clinton, Chelsea & Sridhar, Devi
Governing Global Health
Coates, Ta-Nehisi |
The Message |
Collins, Charles & Green, Andrew |
Valuing Health Systems: A Framework for Low and Middle Income Countries |
Conrad, Joseph
Heart of Darkness
Connelly, Matthew
Fatal Misconception
Crane, Johanna |
Crisp, Nigel
Turning The World Upside Down
Daar, Abdallah & Singer, Peter
The Grandest Challenge
Dallaire, Romeo
Shake Hands With The Devil
Damluji, Hassan
The Responsible Globalist: What Citizens of the World Can Learn from Nationalism
Davis, Angela
Are Prisons Obsolete?
Davis, Meg |
The Uncounted: Politics of Data in Global Health
Davis, Mike |
El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World
de Haan, Arjan |
How the Aid Industry Works
Dearden, Nick |
Pharmanomics: How Big Pharma Destroys Global Health
Deaton, Angus |
The Great Escape-Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality |
Desowitz, Robert
The Malaria Capers
Dhairyawan, Rageshri |
Unheard |
Diab, Jasmin Lilian |
Dignity in Movement: Borders, Bodies and Rights |
Dionne, Kim Yi |
Downs, Jim |
Maladies of Empire: How Colonialism, Slavery, and War Transformed Medicine |
Doyal, Lesley & Pennell, Imogen |
The Political Economy of Health |
Dubos, Rene
The Mirage of Health
Dutt, Barkha
Dye, Christopher
Investing in Health and Wellbeing
Easterly, William
The Tyranny of Experts
Easterly, William
The White Man’s Burden
Eban, Katherine |
Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom |
Edwards, Nancy
Not One, Not Even One: A Memoir of Life-altering Experiences in Sierra Leone, West Africa
Enkh-Amgalan, Handaa
Epstein, Helen
Emanuel, Ezekiel
Which Country Has the World's Best Health Care?
Fadiman, Anne
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Fanon, Frantz
The Wretched of the Earth
Fanon, Frantz
Black Skin, White Masks
Farmer, Paul
Infection and Inequalities
Farmer, Paul
Reimagining Global Health
Farmer, Paul
To Repair The World
Farmer, Paul
Pathologies of Power
Farmer, Paul
AIDS and Accusation
Farmer, Paul
Fevers, Feuds, And Diamonds
Farrar, Jeremy & Ahuja, Anjana
The Spike: The Virus vs. The People
Fauci, Anthony
On Call
Ferris, Ramesh
Better than a Cure: One Man's Journey to Free the World of Polio
Fifield, Adam |
A Mighty Purpose How Jim Grant Sold the World on Saving Its Children |
Fisher, Dana |
Saving Ourselves
Flood, Colleen & Gross, Aeyal |
The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide
Flood, Colleen; Vanessa MacDonnell, Jane Philpott, Sophie Thériault, Sridhar Venkatapuram
Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19
Foege, William
House on Fire
Foege, William
Change Is Possible
Reflections on the History of Global Health
Folbre, Nancy
Who Pays for the Kids?: Gender and the Structures of Constraint
France, David |
How to Survive a Plague |
Freire, Paulo
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Frerichs, Ralph
Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti
Freudenberg, Nicholas
Lethal But Legal
Gabriel, Katsi’tsakwas Ellen
When the Pine Needles Fall: Indigenous Acts of Resistance
Galea, Sandro |
The Contagion Next Time |
Galeano, Eduardo |
Ganz, Marshall |
People, Power, Change
Gates, Bill |
Gates, Melinda |
The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World
Garrett, Laurie |
The Coming Plague |
Garrett, Laurie
Betrayal of Trust
Gawande, Atul
Gawande, Atul
Checklist Manifesto
Gehl, Lynn
Claiming Anishnaabe: Decolonizing the human spirit
George, Rose
The Big Necessity
Geronimus, Arline |
Ghosh, Amitav |
Smoke and Ashes: Opium's Hidden Histories
Ghosh, Amitav |
Giridharadas, Anand |
Winners Take All |
Gilmore, Ruth Wilson |
Glassman, Amanda & Temin, Miriam
Millions Saved
Goffe, Tao Leigh
Dark Laboratory: On Columbus, the Caribbean, and the Origins of the Climate Crisis
Goodall, Jane & Abrams, Douglas
The Book of Hope
Goldhill, David
Catastrophic Care
Gostin, Lawrence & Meier, Benjamin Mason |
Global Health Law & Policy
Gostin, Lawrence & Meier, Benjamin Mason |
Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights |
Gostin, Lawrence |
Global Health Security |
Gostin, Lawrence |
Global Health Law |
Green, John |
Everything is Tuberculosis
Green, Monica (editor) |
Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World: Rethinking the Black Death
Hall-Clifford, Rachel |
Underbelly |
Hannah-Jones, Nikole (editor) |
The 1619 Project |
Harman, Sophie |
Global Health Governance |
Harman, Sophie
Harris, Joseph
Harris, Matthew
Decolonizing Healthcare InnovationLow-Cost Solutions from Low-Income Countries |
Harrison, Gordon
Mosquitoes, Malaria, and Man
Hayhoe, Katherine |
Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World
Hennigan, Stu |
Ghost Signs: Poverty and the Pandemic
Hernandez, Daisy |
The Kissing Bug: A True Story of a Family, an Insect, and a Nation's Neglect of a Deadly Disease
Hernandez, Jessica |
Hewlett, Barry |
Hickel, Jason |
The Divide: Global Inequality from Conquest to Free Markets |
Hirsch, Lioba
Antiblackness and Global Health
Hochschild, Adam
King Leopold's Ghost
Hofman, Michiel & Au Sokhieng
The Politics of Fear
Hoen, Ellen 't
Private Patents and Public Health
Holmes, Seth
Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies
Horton, Richard |
The COVID-19 Catastrophe: What's Gone Wrong and How to Stop It Happening Again
Hotez, Peter |
The Deadly Rise of Anti-science |
Hotez, Peter |
Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism: My Journey as a Vaccine Scientist, Pediatrician, and Autism Dad |
Hotez, Peter |
Preventing the Next Pandemic: Vaccine Diplomacy in a Time of Anti-science
Howard, Jonathan |
We Want Them Infected |
Hujo, Katja & Carter, Maggie |
Between Fault Lines And Front Lines |
Hunleth, Jean |
Children as Caregivers: The Global Fight against Tuberculosis and HIV in Zambia |
Hymes, Robert & Green, Monica |
New Evidence for the Dating and Impact of the Black Death in Asia
Ibarra, Anna Stewart & A. Desiree LaBeaud
Transforming Global Health Partnerships
Ihekweazu, Chikwe & Ihekweazu, Vivianne
An Imperfect Storm |
Illich, Ivan
Medical Nemesis |
Ismail, Edna Adan
A Woman of Firsts: The true story of the midwife who built a hospital and changed the world |
Jain, Yogesh & Sarah Nabia (editors)
Jamison, Kay Redfield
Fires In The Dark
Johnson, Stephen
Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer
Johnson, Stephen
The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic
Kabat, Geoffrey
Getting Risk Right
Kabeer, Naila
Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought
Kaplan-Myrth, Nili (editor)
Keating, Conrad
Tore Godal and the Evolution of Global Health
Kelland, Kate
Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics
Keltner, Dacher
The Power Paradox
Kendi, Ibram |
How to Be an Antiracist
Kenworthy, Nora
Crowded Out
Kerouedan, Dominique
Géopolitique de la santé mondiale
Keshavjee, Salmaan
Blind Spot: How Neoliberalism Infiltrated Global Health
Khalidi, Rashid
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine
Khan, Themrise; Kanakulya Dickson; Maïka Sondarjee
White Saviorism in International Development
Keyes, Katherine & Galea, Sandro
Population Health Science
Kidder, Tracy
Mountains Beyond Mountains
Klein, Naomi
This Changes Everything
Krieger, Nancy
Epidemiology and the People's Health
Krishna, Anirudh
One Illness Away
Krishnan, Vidya
Phantom Plague
Kristof, Nicholas & WuDunn, Sheryl
Half the Sky
Kristof, Nicholas
Chasing Hope
Krznaric, Roman
The Good Ancestor
Kucharski, Adam
The Rules of Contagion
Labonte, Ronald & Ruckert, Arne
Health Equity in a Globalizing Era
Lachenal, Guillaume
Laharia, Chandrakant; Kang, Gagandeep & Guleria, Randeep
Lakoff, Andrew
Unprepared Global Health in a Time of Emergency
Lam, Vincent
On The Ravine
Lamb, Christina
Our Bodies, Their Battlefield
Larson, Heidi
Levin, Cynthia Changyit
From Changing Diapers to Changing the World
Lewis, Michael
The Premonition: A Pandemic Story
Lewis, Stephen
Race Against Time
Linton, Samara & Walcott, Rianna
The Colour of Madness
Lipsky, Michael
Livingston, Julie
Improvising Medicine: An African Oncology Ward in an Emerging Cancer Epidemic
Lister, John |
Health Policy Reform: Global Health Versus Private Profit
Liu, Joanne |
L'Ebola, les bombes et les migrants
Liverpool, Layal |
Systematic: How Racism is Making Us Sick
Loomis, Joshua |
Epidemics: The Impact of Germs and Their Power over Humanity
Lougheed, Kathryn
Catching Breath: The Making and Unmaking of Tuberculosis
Luhrmann, TM
Our Most Troubling Madness
Lustgarten, Abrahm
On the Move: The Overheating Earth and the Uprooting of America
MacIntyre, Raina
Madan, TN
Doctors and Society
Marmot, Michael
The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World
Marya, Rupa & Patel, Raj |
Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice |
Mascarehnas, Anuradha |
At The Wheel of Research: An Exclusive Biography of Dr Soumya Swaminathan
Maskalyk, James |
Six Months in Sudan |
Mason, Katherine
Mayblin, Lucy
Asylum after Empire
Maynard, Robin & Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Rehearsals for Living
Maxmen, Amy
Ebola's Unpaid Heroes: How billions in aid skips over those at the frontline
Maynard, Robyn & Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Rehearsals for Living
Mazzucato, Mariana & Collington, Rosie
The Big Con
Mbali, Mandisa
South African AIDS Activism and Global Health Politics
McDowell, Andrew
McGoey, Linsey
No Such Thing as a Free Gift
McGuire, James
Wealth, Health, and Democracy in East Asia and Latin America
McInnes, Colin; Lee, Kelley & Youde, Jeremy (editors)
The Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics
McKenna, Maryn
Big Chicken: The Incredible Story of How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the Way the World Eats
McNeill, William Hardy
Plagues and Peoples
Meier, Benjamin Mason & Gostin, Lawrence |
Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World
Melrose, Dianna
Bitter pills : medicines and the Third World poor
Mendenhall, Emily
Mendenhall, Emily & Nichter, Mark
Merson, Michael
Messac, Luke
Metzl, Jonathan
Mialon, Melissa
Big Food & Cie
Minn, Pierre
Where They Need Me
Missoni, Eduardo & Pacileo, Guglielmo & Tediosi, Fabrizio
Global Health Governance and Policy
Mitchell-Walthour, Gladys
Mohapatra, Seema & Wiley, Lindsay
Feminist Judgments: Health Law Rewritten
Morris, JN
Uses of Epidemiology
Moses, Dirk; Duranti, Marco; Burke, Roland |
Decolonization, Self-Determination, and the Rise of Global Human Rights Politics
Mugyenyi, Peter |
Genocide by Denial: How Profiteering from HIV/AIDS Killed Millions
Mukhopadhyay, Baijayanta
Country of Poxes: Three Germs and the Taking of Territory
Mukwege, Denis
Plaidoyer pour la vie
Munk, Nina
The Idealist
Mukherjee, Joia
An Introduction to Global Health Delivery
Myers, Samuel & Frumkin, Howard
Nabhan, Chadi
Toxic Exposure
Nattrass, Nicoli
Mortal Combat: AIDS Denialism and the Struggle for Antiretrovirals in South Africa
Nayyar, Geeta; Castles, Tom; Murtha, Jack
Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare's Misinformation Illness |
Neely, Abigail
Reimagining Social Medicine from the South
Nguyen, Eric & Burman, Scott
White Savior (Comic)
Nott, David
War Doctor: Surgery on the front line
Novogratz, Jacqueline
The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World
Noy, Shiri
Banking on Health The World Bank and Health Sector Reform in Latin America |
Nundy, Shantanu |
Care After Covid |
Nunes, Joao |
Security, Emancipation and the Politics of Health |
Orbinski, James
An Imperfect Offering
Oshinsky, David
Osmundson, Joseph
O'Rourke, Meghan
The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness
Packard, Randall
A History of Global Health
Packard, Randall
Pamuk, Orhan
Nights of Plague
Paris, Django & Winn, M
Humanizing Research
Patel, Raj
Stuffed and Starved
Pearlman, Wendy
Pepin, Jacques
The Origins of AIDS
Petchesky, Rosalind
Global Prescriptions
People's Health Movement, Medact, Third World Network, Health Poverty Action, Medico International, ALAMES, Viva Sud, Sama
Phillips, Ben |
How To Fight Inequality And Why That Fight Needs You |
Philpott, Jane |
Health for All: A Doctor's Prescription for a Healthier Canada
Picard, Andre |
Matters of Life and Death |
Picard, Andre |
Neglected No More |
Piot, Peter
No Time to Lose: A Life in Pursuit of Deadly Viruses
Pisani, Elizabeth
The Wisdom of Whores
Prince, Ruth
Quick, Jonathan
Quam, Lois
Who Runs the World? Unlocking the Talent and Inventiveness of Women Everywhere
Quammen, David
Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic
Quinn, Daniel
Rajan, Raghuram
The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind
Rao, Sujatha
Do We Care?
Rashid, Sabina Faiz
Poverty, Gender and Health in the Slums of Bangladesh: Children of Crows
Ratner, Adam
Booster Shots
Raviglione, Mario; Tediosi, Fabrizio; Villa, Simone; Casamitjana, Nuria; Placencia, Antoni
Global Health Essentials
Rawls, John
A Theory of Justice
Raworth, Kate
Ray, Keisha
Ray, Victor
On Critical Race Theory
Reddy, Srinath
Pulse to Planet : The Long Lifeline of Human Health
Reddy, Srinath
Making Health in India
Reid, Nova
The Good Ally
Reperant, Leslie
Fatal Jump: Tracking the Origins of Pandemics
Richardson, Eugene
Epidemic Illusions: On the Coloniality of Global Public Health
Robin, Marie-Monique
Robinson, Kim Stanley
The Ministry for the Future
Rodney, Walter
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Rosling, Hans
Rosenberg, Mark
Real Collaboration
Roy, Arundhati |
My Seditious Heart |
Roy, Victor
Capitalizing A Cure
Riley, James
Rising Life Expectancy: A Global History
Rivers, Caitlin
Crisis Averted: The Hidden Science of Fighting Outbreaks
Rudrum, Sarah
Global Health and the Village
Rukmini, S
Whole Numbers and Half Truths: What Data Can and Cannot Tell Us About Modern India
Russell, Sharman Apt
Within Our Grasp: Childhood Malnutrition Worldwide and the Revolution Taking Place to End It
Ryan, Frank
Tuberculosis – The Greatest Story Never Told
Sainath, P |
Everybody Loves a Good Drought: Stories from India's Poorest Districts
Sanders, David |
The struggle for health: Medicine and the politics of underdevelopment (second edition)
Sangaramoorthy, Thurka
Landscapes of Care: Immigration and Health in Rural America
Schama, Simon
Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines, and the Health of Nations
Schwab, Tim
The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire
Sen, Amartya
Development as Freedom
Sen, Amartya
The Idea of Justice
Sen, Gita
Sengupta, Amit
Political Journeys in Health
Shah, Raj
Shah, Sonia
Shaheen-Hussain, Samir
Fighting for a Hand to Hold: Confronting Medical Colonialism against Indigenous Children in Canada
Shankar, Arjun
Brown Saviors and Their Others: Race, Caste, Labor, and the Global Politics of Help in India
Shatz, Adam
The Rebel's Clinic: the revolutionary lives of Frantz Fanon
Sheldrick, Michael
From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World
Shilts, Randy
And The Band Played On
Shrime, Mark
Solving For Why
Siddiqi, Sameen; Mataria, Awad; Rouleau, Katherine; Iqbal, Meesha
Making Health Systems Work In Low and Middle Income Countries
Sinclair, Upton
The Jungle
Skloot, Rebecca |
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks |
Skolnik, Richard |
Global Health 101 |
Smilios, Maria
The Black Angels: The untold story of the nurses who helped cure tuberculosis
Smith, Lindia
Decolonizing Methodologies
Solnit, Rebecca & Thelma Young Lutunatabua |
Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility
Sontag, Susan
Illness as Metaphor
Sowemimo, Annabel |
Divided: Racism, Medicine and Why We Need to Decolonise Healthcare
Sridhar, Devi |
Sriskandarajah, Danny
Power to the People: Use your voice, change the world
Sridhar, Devi |
The Battle Against Hunger |
Stanford, Ala
Take Care of Them Like My Own
Stanley, Jason
Steinberg, Jonny
Three Letter Plague
Stepan, Nancy Leys
Strathdee, Steffanie & Patterson, Thomas |
The Perfect Predator |
Steere-Williams, Jacob
The Filth Disease: Typhoid Fever and the Practices of Epidemiology in Victorian England
Stuckler, David & Basu, Sanjay
The Body Economic
Sultana, Farhana
Confronting Climate Coloniality
Supari, Siti
It's Time for the World to Change in the Spirit of Dignity, Equity and Transparency
Szreter, Simon
Health and Wealth: Studies in History and Policy
Taiwo, Olufemi |
Talaga, Tanya |
Taranath, Anu |
Tassier, Troy |
The Rich Flee and the Poor Take the Bus
Temkin, Larry |
Being Good in a World of Need |
Thiong’o, Ngugi wa |
Secure the Base: Making Africa Visible in the Globe |
Thrasher, Steven |
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide
Thunberg, Greta |
The Climate Book
Tracey, Kevin |
Fatal Sequence: The Killer Within
Tripathi, Amrita, Abhijit Nadkarni & Soumitra Pathare |
Tumbe, Chinmay |
Age of Pandemics
Varlik, Nukhet |
Plague and Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean World
Venkat, Bharat |
At the Limits of Cure |
Venkatapuram, Sridhar |
Health Justice: An Argument from the Capabilities Approach |
Veeraraghavan, Rajesh |
Patching Development: Information Politics and Social Change in India
Verghese, Abraham
Cutting For Stone
Verghese, Abraham
My Own Country
Vijayakumar, Gowri
At Risk: Indian Sexual Politics and the Global AIDS Crisis
Villarosa, Linda
Under The Skin
Vince, Gaia
Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World
Vineis, Paulo
Vuong, Ocean
Waitzkin, Howard & Alina Perez & Matt Anderson
Social Medicine and the Coming Transformation
Walsh, Sinead & Johnson
Getting to Zero
Wald, Priscilla
Contagious: Cultures, Carriers, and the Outbreak Narrative
Waldron, Ingrid
There’s Something In The Water
Walia, Harsha
Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism
Walker, Darren
Walt, Gill
Health Policy: An Introduction to Process and Power
Warah, Rasna
Lords of Impunity
Wardere, Hibo
Cut: One Woman's Fight Against FGM in Britain Today
Washington, Harriet
Medical Apartheid
Webb, James
Weber, Leanne
Globalization and Borders
Wendland, Claire
A Heart For the Work
Wenham, Clare
Feminist Global Health Security
Werner, David
Helping Health Workers Learn
Werner, David & Sanders, David |
Questioning the Solution: The Politics of Primary Health Care and Child Survival
Werner, David
Where There is No Doctor
White, Alexandre
Epidemic Orientalism: Race, Capital, and the Governance of Infectious Disease |
Wilkerson, Isabel
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
Williams, Brian
The Bodies Keep Coming: Dispatches from a Black Trauma Surgeon on Racism, Violence, and How We Heal
Wilkinson, David & Pickett, Kate
The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better
Willem, Jean Pierre
Et la paix, docteur? : un médecin sur tous les fronts
Woodward, Bob
Wolff, Jonathan
The Human Right To Health
Wong, Alice (editor)
Disability Intimacy
World Health Organization
Constitution of the World Health Organization
Wray, Britt
Wunsch, Hannah
The Autumn Ghost: How the Battle Against a Polio Epidemic Revolutionized Modern Medical Care
Yanguas, Pablo
Why We Lie About Aid
Yamin, Alicia
When Misfortune Becomes Injustice
Yamin, Alicia
Power, Suffering, and the Struggle for Dignity Human Rights Frameworks for Health and Why They Matter
Yasmin, Seema |
The Impatient Dr. Lange: One Man's Fight to End the Global HIV Epidemic
Yasmin, Seema |
If God Is A Virus |
Yengde, Suraj |
Caste Matters
Youde, Jeremy |
Global Health Governance |
Zakaria, Rafia
Zinsser, Hans
Zurbrigg, Sheila
Rakku's Story : Structures of Ill-health and the Source of Change
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I would like to add:
1. Doyal, Lesley; Pennel Imogen -The Political Economy of Health, Pluto Press, London, 1979 . (Altogether a stimulating book and a worthy contribution to current debates on the politics of health Lancet)
This book inspired many of us to gaze at an ill person attending ones clinic, a group of people you interact, gender you have and society in which you live, with the glasses of Social Science, Politics and Economics.
2. Ehrenrich, Barbara and English, Deirdre ; For Her Own Good - 150 years if the Experts advice to women. Pluto Press, London, 1979 (Again, this work laid down foundation of non-pure scientific nature of medical science, particularly about women's body, soul and nature, her social identity and her illnesses. It pushed the women's health movement globally.)
3. Sujatha V., Abraham, Leena (Ed.); Medical Pluralism in Contemporary India, Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad (2012)
(This book adds on a historical, cultural and in someway a subaltern political perspective about Health, illnesses and health care in the persisting existence of 'other', 'alternate', 'indigenous', 'ancient or traditional' medicine in the predominant 'biomedicine', 'modern or scientific' medicine. Though it is contextually placed in Indian setting, it's application is equally relevant, globally)
Dhruv Mankad
And here is my list!!
Now, this sounds like a birthday wish list. Great collection here. Will definitely add to my library from these.