Research Digest | January 2019
Two papers in Nature Human Behaviour address adolescent well-being.
Amy Orben and Andrew Przybylski from University of Oxford find that digital technology use only explains at most 0.4% of the variation in adolescent well-being. Read the story behind the paper here.
Adrian Dahl Askelund from University of Cambridge and coauthors show that recalling specific positive memories reduced vulnerability to depression in at-risk adolescents. Read the story behind the paper here.
On the theme of well-being...
Siqi Zheng from MIT and collaborators find that air pollution lowers Chinese urbanites’ expressed happiness on social media. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour).
Nicholas Zaorsky from Penn State and colleagues identify cancer patients at the highest risk of suicide compared to the general population and other cancer patients. (Nature Communications)
Christopher Barrington-Leigh and Eric Galbraith from McGill University estimate how global human well-being might evolve over the next three decades. (Nature Communications)
This month we also published research on our favorite topic, peer review
Flaminio Squazzoni from University of Milan and collaborators find that publishing peer review reports does not compromise the peer-review process, at least when referees can remain anonymous. (Nature Communications)
Patrick Forscher and colleagues from University of Wisconsin-Madison find no race or gender bias in initial NIH R01 grant evaluations. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Other research published this month:
Anne van Valkengoed and Linda Steg from University of Groningen conduct a series of meta-analyses to examine how motivational factors relate to climate change adaptation behaviours. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Climate Change)
Xiliang Zhang from Tsinghua University and collaborators compare firms' self-reported CO2 emissions with emissions verified by third parties in China. (Nature Climate Change)
Sarah Shomstein and colleagues from The George Washington University find that inferences of true object size scale spatial attention to objects. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Philip Fernbach from University of Colorado Boulder and coauthors show that extreme opponents of genetically modified foods have higher self-rated knowledge, but lower objective knowledge, of genetic modification. Read Nicholas Light's story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Wataru Toyokawa and coauthors from University of St. Andrews identify the learning strategies exhibited by participants in an interactive online experiment. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Minsu Park and Michael Macy from Cornell and their collaborators measure diurnal and seasonal patterns of affective preferences in a dataset of 765 million online music plays streamed by 1 million individuals. (Nature Human Behaviour)
James Bagrow and colleagues from University of Vermont demonstrate that predictive accuracy for an individual can be achieved using their social ties only, without requiring that individual's data. (Nature Human Behaviour).
Joseph Henrich from Harvard University and coauthors show that individuals with greater war exposure were more likely to participate in religious groups and rituals several years later. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Joshua Conrad Jackson from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and collaborators find that the loosening of American cultural norms from 1800 to 2000 is positively associated with societal creativity but negatively associated with societal order. (Nature Human Behaviour).
Deborah Sunter and colleagues from University of California, Berkeley, identify disparities in rooftop solar deployment by race and ethnicity in the United States (Nature Sustainability)
Rebecca Runting from University of Queensland assess sparing and sharing approaches to achieving both biodiversity conservation and economically valuable wood product production in tropical forests. (Nature Sustainability)
Lennon Thomas from University of California, Santa Barbara, and collaborators quantify the economic and ecological potential for offshore mariculture in the Caribbean. (Nature Sustainability)
Wilma Bainbridge and colleagues from NIMH develop a drawing-based memory recall task, and show detailed-rich, quantifiable information diagnostic of previously encountered visual scenes. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Communications)
Samuel McDougle from University of California, Berkeley, and Jordan Taylor from Princeton University demonstrate that people use dissociable cognitive strategies to solve a visuomotor learning task. (Nature Communications)
Simone Russo from the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, and collaborators investigate the inequality in global heatwave risk under both 1.5 and 2°C scenarios. (Nature Communications)
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