About Joanne Kenney
Joanne is currently working as an Irish Research Council Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the School of Psychology & Institute of Neuroscience at Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of Prof. Paul Dockree. She is involved in the preparation of multi-site international study recruiting stroke patients for imaging, EEG and neuropsychological assessment, in order to understand the neural signature of attention impairments.
Joanne’s career has focused on the use of neuroimaging techniques in both psychiatric and older adult populations. She has extensive experience in both structural/diffusion MRI and electroencephalography (EEG) analysis. In 2017 & 2018, Joanne was awarded the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Research Award and was runner-up for Neuroscience Ireland Early Career Investigator Award 2018.
Intro Content
Nature Human Behaviour
7 tips for PhD candidates on reducing the rush to publish
In this article, I present 7 tips for PhD candidates on engaging in slow science and how to reduce the rush to publish.