Yide Zhang

Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology
  • United States of America


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News and Opinion Is it publish or perish?

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Oct 10, 2019

Thanks for your comment, Jiang. You are right, sometimes the journal impact factor/conference tier cannot reflect the true "quality" of a publication. However, as a reader, such as a researcher looking for new ideas, and an employer seeking competitive applicants, it is the easiest for them to judge the quality of a publication by its impact factor or tier. Like "publish or perish", it is not a perfect evaluation system either; as you said, research from lower-tier publications can contribute more to the community than the high-tier ones do in the long run. On the other hand, I think the impact factor/tier reflects the "average" level of all the publications from that journal/conference, so while some NeurIPS papers may be less "useful" than Alstats ones, on average, the NeurIPS papers should have higher quality due to its lower acceptance rate.

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