Trung Thành Ngô

Honorary Senior Fellow and STEMM Advancement Manager, RECOVER Injury Research Centre (UQ & STARS) and Cluéo Clinical
  • Australia

About Trung Thành Ngô

I have over 13 years of combined professional experience & unique skillsets in driving successful interdisciplinary collaborations, central service delivery of research performance evaluations and proactively supporting the STEMM innovation ecosystem in Queensland & beyond. My work seeks to enhance human & social capital — from advancing a Precision Pain Medicine R&D program and helping STEMM students/graduates to accelerate career success — through to successfully delivering several large-scale strategic priorities & capability analyses for a wide client base (e.g., individuals, groups, professional networks/associations, multi-institutional national & international partnerships). My current translational research priorities include: (i) delineating universal causal pathways & biomarkers for pain, sleep and mental health disorders to deliver novel diagnostic & therapeutic biotechnologies; and (ii) utilising a non-invasive vestibulocortical stimulation (VCS) device which has spawned U.S. industry & clinical collaborations with major implications for preventing the onset of chronic pain and mental illness as well as enhancing resilience in at-risk populations/occupations (e.g., paediatric/youth, Defence & First Responders). In particular, I enjoy meeting & connecting people with a shared vision & commitment towards building innovative & sustainable public-private partnerships to deliver meaningful solutions for the wider community.


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