About Dr. Rebecca Grant
I am Springer Nature's Research Data Manager,
where I develop products and services to support data management and sharing, including the implementation of standard research data policies across Springer Nature journals. I lead the development of research data training as part of Nature Research Academies, and I am a qualified data trainer certified by the Open Data Institute. My doctoral thesis explored the connections between archival theory and research data management practice.
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13th International Digital Curation Conference
In February 2018, the Springer Nature Research Data team will present at IDCC Barcelona
Introducing Data Support Services
This slideset introduces the Springer Nature Data Support services. It provides context on the challenges researchers face in sharing their data, and how the Data Support Services can assist authors in making their data both available and findable.
Data publishing team at IDCC Barcelona and RDAP Chicago
The Data Publishing team has been on the road in February and March, presenting our work at the International Digital Curation Conference in Barcelona and the Research Data Archiving and Preservation Summit in Chicago. The slides and other outputs are now published and available for anyone who didn't make it to the events in person.