World AIDS Day 2019

World AIDS Day started 31 years ago on 1 December 1988

The gut microbiome following acute HIV-1 infection

To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive prospective study investigating the longitudinal impact of acute HIV-1 infection in an HIV-1 hyperendemic area such as the Manhiça district in Mozambique. This unique study confirms and extends previous findings in non-human primate models and provides critical insights into the impact of infections in the gut microbiome as well as into the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection.
Go to the profile of Muntsa Rocafort Junca
Jun 05, 2019

Harnessing insights from one child case of post-treatment control of HIV

Individuals who have the ability to control HIV-1 to undetectable levels either naturally in the absence of antiretroviral treatment (ART) (elite controllers), or those who achieve this after starting ART early in infection and later stopping ART (post-treatment controllers) – tell us that HIV remission is possible. This study describes virological and immunological features associated with a single case of durable post-treatment control of HIV-1 in a young South African child.
Go to the profile of Caroline Tiemessen
Feb 14, 2019