From Hippocampal Centrality to Functional Outcome in Psychosis

What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness characterized by symptoms along three separate dimensions. People with positive symptoms might have experiences beyond the usual, such as hearing voices, while people experiencing negative symptoms describe a lack of usual experiences, such as a lack of motivation (1). Some people also have cognitive symptoms, leading to difficulties with mental actions needed to master everyday life. In this domain, particularly episodic memory is affected, describing an impaired ability to recall life events (2). Given this wide range of symptoms, it does not come by surprise that schizophrenia is one of the main causes of disability worldwide (3), particularly leading to high rates of unemployment and difficulties in maintaining close social relationships (from here onwards referred to as functioning) (4). To diminish the burden of schizophrenia, it is therefore important to identify factors leading to poor functioning.
A Neurocognitive Model of Schizophrenia?
Negative symptoms directly lead to poorer functioning (5, 6), and are affected by other factors, which, in turn, impacts functioning . For example, social cognition, the ability to process social information in the context of social interactions, leads to poorer functioning by first leading to an increase in negative symptoms (7, 8). Likewise, episodic memory is impaired across all stages of psychosis, from before the onset of symptoms through to enduring stages of the illness (2, 9, 10). Poorer episodic memory performance in females has been shown to lead to poorer functioning by first increasing negative symptoms (11). In addition, this effect of episodic memory on negative symptoms is exerted through reductions in social cognition (12), establishing a temporal sequence from episodic memory toward social cognition, negative symptoms, and functional outcome. Recent research has further found a possible foundation for this sequence in the brain, by showing that a reduction in connectivity of the hippocampus, a brain region crucial to memory and social cognitive processes, predicts higher negative symptoms, through a reduction of episodic memory (13). Based on this combined literature, we thus hypothesized a model, in which there is a sequential development from hippocampal dysconnectivity to episodic memory, social cognition and negative symptoms, ultimately leading to poorer functional outcome in psychosis. As schizophrenia is further expressed very differently across individuals (14-19) with some showing less severe deficits than others, we hypothesized this development for a subgroup of people diagnosed with schizophrenia only.
We sampled data from two independent datasets collected at the Douglas Research Centre, Montréal, Canada. 55 individuals with a first-episode psychosis and 53 controls were included from the first dataset, while 108 people with with multi-episode psychosis and 66 controls were included from the second dataset. To then see whether we would be able to identify a sequential development from the brain to functioning in a subgroup of people with schizophrenia, we used a machine-learning algorithm called Subtype and Stage Inference (SuStaIn) (20). SuStaIn can identify groups of individuals based on a similar illness patterns, and was therefore in the unique position to see whether a subgroup of individuals with schizophrenia would first show signs of a reduced connectivity of the hippocampus, followed by impaired episodic memory, poorer social cognition, higher negative symptoms and poorer functioning, while another subgroup would not show such a development. We thus applied z-score SuStaIn to these variables in a sample of people with first-episode psychosis and multi-episode psychosis, as the first implementation, to our knowledge, of SuStaIn in a model of psychiatry that spans the brain, cognition, symptoms and functioning.
SuStaIn identified three subgroups of people with schizophrenia. The first subgroup (Subtype 0) did not show any reductions in hippocampal connectivity, memory, social cognition, functioning or higher symptoms. A second subgroup (Subtype 1) however showed deficits in episodic memory, social cognition and functioning as well as higher negative symptoms, while the third subgroup (Subtype 2) showed reduced hippocampal connectivity and deficits in episodic memory (Figure a). When looking at the temporal development of Subtype 1 and Subtype 2, we saw two different progression patterns. Subtype 1 showed reduced episodic memory first, followed by reductions in social cognition, higher negative symptoms, poorer functioning and then reduced hippocampal connectivity (Figure b). Subtype 2 however showed such a reduction in hippocampal connectivity first, followed by poorer episodic memory, social cognition, functioning and then higher negative symptoms (Figure c).

Note. In a) we see the differences between subtypes, ** indicates that the difference is significant at p < .001, while * indicate that the difference is significant at p < .05. Figures b) and c) show the development of both subtypes over time, with blue squares indicating one z-score deviation from mean values, pink squares indicating two z-score deviations from mean values, and red indicating three z-score deviations from mean values.
We saw that individuals with schizophrenia mostly show a development from impaired episodic memory to impaired social cognition, higher negative symptoms and to poorer functioning. Both identified subtypes showed similar behavioural pattern, but the role of the brain was distinct. For most people, hippocampal connectivity follows last. However, a smaller group of people did show a reduction in hippocampal connectivity which preceded those behavioural changes. We thus provide first evidence in favour of our proposed model, and further show how important it is to look at different patient groups within schizophrenia.
While the hippocampus seems to play a central role in leading the disease progression in Subtype 2, there might be other factors responsible for leading the progression in Subtype 1. One possibility stems from the specific way that we measured hippocampal connectivity. While we looked at brain structure, there are other MRI measures which can capture additional types of tissue or even brain activity (13). Such additional measures could potentially reveal that other aspects of the hippocampus lead the disease progression in Subtype 1. The disease pattern in Subtype 1 might also be driven by a different brain region, with the amygdala as a potential candidate, due to its involvement in social cognition and its relationship to negative symptoms in addition to the hippocampus (21, 22).
Our findings are further of particular importance for the characterisation of schizophrenia. We saw that patient with first- and multi-episode psychosis were grouped into the same subtypes, suggesting that their performance on our variables is similar despite their different stages in the progression of schizophrenia. Our work, thus, complements traditional clinical staging models (23) to better characterize the development within each clinical stage. A machine-learning algorithm which models increases and decreases simultaneously, which is more in line with the clinical manifestation of schizophrenia (24), might be even better suited to address our model.
We provide first evidence for a comprehensive disease progression model of psychosis, in which hippocampal dysconnectivity precedes impairments in episodic memory, social cognition, functioning and higher negative symptoms in a subtype of individuals with schizophrenia. Future research should look at different measures of hippocampal connectivity and other brain regions, while considering the fluctuating nature of clinical presentations in psychosis through more sophisticated machine-learning algorithms.
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