Research Digest | May 2019
This month we published two papers on parent-child interactions.
Danielle Lawson and colleagues from North Carolina State University show that climate change concern increased among parents after their children participated in a climate change school curriculum. (Nature Climate Change)
Ying Chen from Harvard University and coauthors find that positive parenting is associated with multiple aspects of health and well-being in their offspring during young adulthood. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Nature Communications published two papers on air quality and human health.
Noah Scovronick from Emory University and collaborators estimate that the global health benefits from climate policy depends on air quality policies that nations adopt independently of climate change.
Tong Zhu from Peking University and colleagues show that declines in self-assessed mental health scores were linked to increases in air pollution and temperature variability.
Speaking of air quality...
Christopher Barrington-Leigh from McGill University and coauthors evaluate the effect of Beijing's program to eliminate household coal use on household energy use and expenditure, well-being and indoor air quality. (Nature Energy)
Finally, Nature Human Behaviour published some important null effects.
David Harding from University of California, Berkeley, and collaborators find no evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release.
Anthony Dick from Florida International University and colleagues find no evidence that bilingual children have an advantage in executive functions.
Other research published this month:
Johan Oldekop from University of Manchester and collaborators find that community-based forest management in contributed to net reductions in poverty and deforestationin Nepal between 2000-2012. (Nature Sustainability)
Shinichiro Fujimori from Kyoto University and coauthors show the potential negative trade-offs between food security and climate mitigation using a multi-model comparison exercise. (Nature Sustainability)
David Hagmann from Carnegie Mellon University and colleagues demonstrate that show that exposure to a green energy nudge diminishes support for carbon taxes. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Climate Change)
Kyle Meng from University of California, Santa Barbara, and Ashwin Rode from University of Chicago examine how lobbying lowered the probability of enacting the Waxman–Markey climate regulation bill, and calculated the social cost. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Climate Change)
Matthew Nassar from Brown University and coauthors show that positive reward prediction errors elicited during incidental encoding enhance the formation of episodic memories. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Megan deBettencourt and coauthors from University of Chicago demonstrate that fluctuations in attention and memory in distinct tasks are synchronous. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Mark Dyble from University of Cambridge and colleagues show that greater engagement in agriculture is associated with more time spent working and less leisure time among traditional foragers from the Philippines. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Xiaochen Wang and colleagues from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications investigate how the number of connections a person has online influences how news spreads. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Bowen Fung from California Institute of Technology and coauthors find that trait anxiety is associated with earlier escape decisions when facing slowly approaching threats. Read Song Qi's story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Edika Quispe-Torreblanca and Neil Steward from University of Warwick analyse misconduct data on officers and staff from London’s Metropolitan Police Service, and find causal peer effects. (Nature Human Behaviour).
Ian Eisenberg from Stanford and colleagues propose improving cumulative psychological science by developing data-driven ontologies. (Nature Communications)
Stephen Comello and Stefan Reichelstein from Stanford University propose a metric for the cost of energy storage and for identifying optimally sized storage systems. (Nature Communications)
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