Research Digest | October 2019
Nature Human Behaviour published a collection of World Views on pressures to publish while pursuing a PhD. This journal content is complemented by blog posts in a dedicated Publish or Perish channel on our community site. Don't miss Marike's excellent post describing her inspiration for this ambitious project.
Nature Energy has launched a new Policy Brief format, in which authors of papers published in the journal provide short, high-level summaries of the research and its messages for policy. Check out the journal editorial and my blog post to learn more about how these came to be, and what we hope to achieve.
And now onto the research!
Wang et al. compare long term performance of junior scientists who were awarded an NIH grant to those with similar track records who were not. (Nature Communications)
Vogt-Schilb et al. find that using one-third of carbon tax revenues for cash transfers to the poor can compensate for regressive impacts on the cost of basic goods. (Nature Sustainability)
Englander shows that property rights in Exclusive Economic Zones indeed deter unauthorized fishing. (Nature Sustainability)
Gentry et al. analyse mariculture development trends at the country level and assess each country’s trajectory of mariculture development in relation to its production potential. (Nature Sustainability)
Bruneau et al. find that an intervention highlighting the hypocrisy involved in blaming Muslims but not ingroup members reduces collective blame of Muslims. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Zhou et al. use multimodal brain imaging measures to describe the neural dynamics of same-race and other-race facial categorization. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Nisa et al. perform a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials testing behavioural interventions to promote household action on climate change. (Nature Communications)
Howe et al. show that expressing uncertainty about best- and worst-case effects of climate change on sea-level rise increases trust in climate scientists and message acceptance. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Climate Change)
Hills et al. use billions of words of digitized historical text to develop and validate a measure of national subjective wellbeing, the National Valence Index, going back 200 years. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Bridgers et al. show that young children reason about others’ costs and rewards to make utility-maximizing decisions about what to teach and what to let learners discover on their own. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Chen et al. demonstrate that patients’ pain experiences are directly modulated by providers’ expectations of treatment outcomes in a simulated clinical interaction, providing evidence of a socially transmitted placebo effect. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Abdellaoui et al. find that the geographic distribution of polygenic scores for educational attainment and other complex traits resembles the geographic distribution of economic differences in Great Britain. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Fujimori et al. investigate the macroeconomic implications of consistently dealing with energy systems and the stability of further power generation. (Nature Communications)
Häusser et al. test the claim that being hungry causes people to make more selfish and less prosocial decisions, and find that the effect of acute hunger is very weak at best. (Nature Communications)
Fang et al. demonstrate that the polygenic risk score for major depressive disorder is a stronger predictor of depression under stress than under baseline conditions and may be particularly useful for identifying resilience. Read the story behind the paper here. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Mays et al. show that introducing a capacity mechanism has an asymmetric effect on the risk profile of different electricity generation technologies, tilting the resource mix towards those with lower fixed costs and higher operating costs. (Nature Energy)
Andrijevic et al. examines different socioeconomic scenarios to determine how best to overcome ‘weak’ governance and strengthen adaptive capacity. (Nature Sustainability)
Awad et al. find that drivers are blamed more than their automated cars when both make mistakes. (Nature Human Behaviour)
Vainik et al. find that uncontrolled eating and addiction have more similarities than obesity and addiction. Read the story behind the paper here.
Lin et that trade restrictions can lead to massive reduction of gross domestic product in most countries, but also to a reduction of emissions and pollution. (Nature Communications).
Drissi-Daoudi et al. use a visual sequential metacontrast paradigm to test study temporal integration of sensory information. (Nature Communications)
Yin et al. develop a model that mimics how successful future attempts build on past efforts across science, start-up and security domains. (Nature)
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