Understanding Groundwater Trends in Southwestern Europe: Insights from In-Situ Data

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As climate change continues to reshape global water resources, southwestern Europe already faces increasing droughts and dwindling surface water and soil moisture1-4. Groundwater, a critical buffer for both drinking water and irrigation, has become an indispensable resource in this region5-9. Yet, despite its importance, comprehensive regional assessments of groundwater trends using on-the-ground measurements have been largely absent. This gap in understanding motivated us to investigate the status of groundwater in Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy, countries that are key contributors to Europe’s agricultural production and that heavily rely on groundwater for irrigation and drinking supplies.

Our research, recently published in Nature’s Communications Earth and Environment, set out to provide the first regional-scale assessment of groundwater levels in this Mediterranean region. The goal was to understand long-term trends in groundwater levels and the climatic factors and human activities driving these changes. This work brings together data from 12,398 wells across the four countries, covering a period from 1960 to 2020. By combining this data with climate and land-use information, we aimed to comprehensively understand how groundwater resources are evolving under increasing water stress.

The Challenge of Collecting Regional Data

One of the primary challenges in this study was data collection. While we aimed to include as many countries as possible, the availability and accessibility of groundwater data were significant hurdles. Groundwater monitoring systems vary widely between countries, and in some, the data is fragmented and not easily accessible. For example, Spain, Portugal, and France have relatively centralized groundwater monitoring systems, but accessing and downloading large datasets was still challenging. Spain, in particular, lacked a bulk download system when we started our research, which made data collection slow and cumbersome. After our engagement, Spain has now included a section to download the entire database, a change that will benefit future research.

The challenge was even greater in Italy, where groundwater data is managed at the sub-national level. Our team had to contact local authorities across different regions, and even then, many datasets were incomplete or not digitized. Some records were only available in scanned or printed reports, making it impossible to analyze them systematically. These limitations in data availability highlight a broader issue: while groundwater plays an essential role in the region’s water supply, the systems for monitoring and sharing this data are not yet equipped to support large-scale, cross-border analyses.

Overcoming Obstacles and Building a Robust Dataset

Despite these obstacles, we succeeded in gathering data from over 12,000 wells, creating the most comprehensive groundwater dataset for southwestern Europe to date. The experience of gathering and harmonizing this data underscored the need for improved groundwater monitoring systems across the region. Systematic, easily accessible data is crucial for understanding groundwater trends and for making informed decisions about water use and conservation. In this regard, our work not only contributes to the scientific understanding of groundwater in southwestern Europe but also advocates for more robust monitoring and data-sharing practices.

Figure 1. a Heat maps depicting groundwater level monitoring from 1960 to 2020 and key national and regional water policy instruments for Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy. Each row is an observation well of the respective country; grey and green colours indicate the absence or presence of measurements, respectively. The blue box frames the period used for the multi-decadal trend analysis (1985–2014). b Groundwater-level change hotspots determined by trend detection for 7155 wells for the entire 30-year period (more than 10 years of data, blue for rising, red for declining, grey for stable levels). Years measured in each well are reflected in the circle size. In brown, groundwater bodies with a well density of at least 1 per 500 km2. Background imagery from https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=c61ad8ab017d49e1a82f580ee1298931.


What the Data Revealed: A Complex Picture

Contrary to expectations of widespread groundwater depletion due to droughts and agricultural demand, our analysis revealed a more nuanced reality. Of the wells we analyzed, 68% showed stable groundwater levels, 20% exhibited rising levels, and only 12% were in decline. This finding challenges the common perception that groundwater in the region is universally declining. Instead, we found a variety of patterns across different climates and regions.

Figure 2. a Spatial distribution of WTD evolution clusters in climate classifications (symbols defined in b). b WTD cluster behaviour during 1985–2014 based on the normalized WTD average of the given cluster. c Interquartile (IQR) distribution of the median differences in WTD changes between 1985–1994 and 2005–2014, IQR within the box limits and the median as the centre line. Whiskers extend to 1.5 times the IQR, and outliers as dots outside the whiskers. d Percentage of observations with strong influence from each driver. Cross-correlation in excess −0.45 between annual precipitation – annual WTD (cloud symbol). Precipitation increases greater than 10 mm per decade (drop with arrow symbol). Potential irrigation: wells within 2 km of a large agriculture area (1000 ha) with potential irrigation (watering can symbol). Urban area: those within 4 km of urban areas (more than 1500 ha) (buildings symbol). Background imagery from https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=c61ad8ab017d49e1a82f580ee1298931.

Climatic and Human Drivers Behind Groundwater Changes

Our study explored the interactions between groundwater levels and both natural and anthropogenic factors. Precipitation, unsurprisingly, played a key role in areas where rising groundwater levels were observed. In temperate climates, regions that experienced higher-than-average rainfall over the last few decades saw groundwater recovery. On the other hand, regions where groundwater levels declined, such as agricultural areas in semi-arid climates, often faced prolonged soil moisture loss due to increased irrigation demands during hotter, drier summers.

Proximity to large urban areas also emerged as factor influencing groundwater trends. In regions such as southern France, groundwater declines were closely associated with the growing demand for domestic water supply in rapidly expanding urban areas. The city of Bordeaux, for example, has experienced significant groundwater depletion, driven partly by urban water use. This finding underscores the importance of managing groundwater not just for agricultural use, but also for urban water supply, particularly as cities in the region continue to grow.

The Importance of Systematic Monitoring

The insights from our study highlight the importance of long-term, systematic groundwater monitoring. As we’ve seen, groundwater dynamics are highly localized, with trends varying significantly even within the same region. Stable groundwater levels today do not guarantee stability in the future, especially as climate change and increased water demand put additional stress on these resources. Our study provides a benchmark for future assessments, showing that while some areas have stable or even rising groundwater levels, others are at significant risk of depletion.

Figure 3. Wells with declining water levels (Clusters 7–9) marked in red triangles are generally located in areas with higher decreases in soil moisture across the region from 1950 to 2012 (Kurnik et al.38; Kurnik et al.39) as well as overlapping in some cases with vineyards and fruit orchards. Up to 21% of the stable wells (marked as grey rounded squares) located in irrigated areas experiencing a reduction in soil moisture of more than 1.5 L m−3 decade−1 or a decrease of 10 mm decade−1 in precipitation deficit, are considered at risk of climate-induced declines. Background imagery from https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=c61ad8ab017d49e1a82f580ee1298931.

Improving data collection and accessibility will be essential for sustainable groundwater management in the future. Our experience working with fragmented and incomplete data reinforces the need for centralized, cross-border monitoring systems. By improving access to data, we can better understand groundwater trends and make more informed decisions to protect this vital resource.

Looking Ahead

Our findings offer hope, but also a clear warning. While two-thirds of wells in our study showed stable groundwater levels, nearly a fifth of these are located in areas at risk of climate-induced declines. As agricultural droughts become more frequent and severe, especially in southern Europe, we could see significant shifts in groundwater dynamics. Without proactive monitoring and management, stable regions may quickly turn into areas of concern.

Groundwater is not just an invisible resource lying beneath the surface—it is a lifeline for millions of people. It plays a crucial role in sustaining ecosystems and economies across Europe. By deepening our understanding of how climate and human activities influence groundwater levels, we can develop better strategies for managing this critical resource in the face of future challenges.


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