About Hugh G. Manning
Dr. Hugh G. Manning B.A (mod) AMRSC, is a post doctoral researcher in Prof. John J. Boland’s nanowire research group which operates in the Advanced Materials + BioEngineering Research Centre (AMBER) and the Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN); one of the largest research institutes in Trinity College Dublin and Ireland's leading nanoscience institute. His research interests include connectivity at a nano and macro scale, characterization of nanowires and nanowire networks, for use as transparent conductors, resistive switching memories, reservoir computing and neuromorphic applications. Hugh is passionate for science education and outreach, he was an educator for Physics at Trinity Walton Club, a not-for-profit STEM Education program. As well as research he aids in developing and delivering educational outreach programs in CRANN and AMBER.