Martin Kuball

Professor, University of Bristol
  • United Kingdom

About Martin Kuball

I lead the Center for Device Thermography and Reliability (CDTR) at the University of Bristol. The CDTR is a researcher center with 20 international researchers working on semiconductor electronics (RF and power), in particular thermal management, electrical device design & testing and device reliability. A lot of thrust lies in new materials and new device systems such as GaN, GaN-on-diamond, and Ga2O3 for RF and power applications, ranging from communications, radar, automotive to carbon reducing technology applications. The CDTR collaborates with numerous companies including Element-Six, Infineon, MACOM, Northop Grumman, Qorvo, UMS, WIN Semiconductor and others. We also run large UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grants e.g. the Programme Grant GaN-DaME and the Platform Grant MANGI, a £7M investment of EPSRC into Bristol led next generation electronics projects. I co-founded TherMap Solutions ( with two of my postdocs, to spin out key wafer characterization equipment developed as part of my research. I am presently its Chief Business Officer (CBO). I have been awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies, Fellow of IEEE, MRS, SPIE, IET and IoP in recognition of my contributions to the research community.


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