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Recent Comments
Hi sir, I gave studied the abstract above. I have some doubts wrt to the bacterial view point. So in urinary tract we visualized the rheosensing as one component which is not associated with viscosity. But, P.aeruginosa also infects mucosal membrane . There the viscosity is very high because of the mucous . So, rheosensing should reduce right. But in the text its was observed rheosensing is not affected by viscosity. So how will you address it?
Also have you seen the effect of friction on rheosensing.
Thanking you
Ankita Bose
Ankita, thanks for your questions. To clarify, all of the flow experiments in the paper are done in microfluidic devices. We found that rheosensing is induced at high shear rates similar to those found in the bloodstream and the urinary tract. We also found that rheosensing is not affected by viscosity. Thus, it is likely that rheosensing is induced in areas of the body with high shear rates, without respect to nature of the fluid (urine, blood, mucus).
With respect to the role of friction, we performed an experiment (Figure S10) that increased the adhesion of cells to the surface and increasing adhesion had no effect. Thus, it is unlikely that friction is playing a role in rheosensing.