Michael T. Hernke

Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • United States of America

About Michael T. Hernke

Michael Hernke is a Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. He teaches Business Analytics, Sustainable Approaches to System Improvement, and the WSB Excel Proficiency Course. Michael earned an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a doctorate in Operations & Information Management, both from University of Wisconsin-Madison. His current research projects consider organizational approaches to global resource constraints, dynamics of micro to macro resource efficiency, and synergy between sustainability science and global health.


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Jul 10, 2019

Hi Mohan - thanks for your observations and suggestions! As we respond to the buildup of CO2, we’ll want to learn more about safe/ideal ranges of CO2 with respect to the health risks our review identifies. For example, would stabilizing at 450 ppm, a target based on climate considerations, be sufficient to protect human health? How great is the challenge?
