Ayyoob Sharifi (He/Him)

  • Japan

About Ayyoob Sharifi

Ayyoob Sharifi is a Professor at the IDEC Institute, Hiroshima University. He also has cross-appointments at the Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society and the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering. His research is mainly at the interface of urbanism and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Ayyoob actively contributes to global change research programs such as the Future Earth and has served as a lead author for the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Before joining Hiroshima University, he was the Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project (GCP)-a Future Earth core project- leading the urban flagship activity of the project, which is focused on conducting cutting-edge research for supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (Surveying), a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning, and a doctorate in Environmental Engineering. Ayyoob is interested in pursuing research at the interface of climate change and urban planning. The ultimate goal of his research is to provide further insights into how to develop sustainable, peaceful, just, and resilient communities.


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