Enis Karaarslan (He/Him)

Academician, Mugla Sitki Kocman University
  • Turkey

About Enis Karaarslan

Enis Karaarslan is currently Assistant Professor at the Mugla Sitki Kocman University (MSKU) Computer Engineering Department. He is one of the founders of the AI and Cyber Security disciplines in the MSKU. His research areas are computer networks, cybersecurity, blockchain, data science, digital twin, and the metaverse. He also gives consultancy to research projects in the industry. He established NetSecLab for network/security education and research. He is the founder of the “Journal of Metaverse” and the metaverse lab in the MSKU. He gave blockchain lectures at both graduate and undergraduate levels. He published several book chapters and journal publications on decentralized technologies. He has been studying the potentials of the blockchain in MSKU BcRG (Blockchain Research Group) since 2017. The group gave several seminars and lectures on blockchain technology at several events and member students won several scientific awards in many scientific contests (Tübitak 2242, GBYF) with blockchain projects.


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