Jianshe Yang (He/Him)

Professor, Tongji University
  • China

About Jianshe Yang

Main research interest: new mechanism of tumorigenesis in digestive system, regulation of tumor metastasis by innate biological nano-confinements, and treatment technology of radioactive substances in waste solution of nuclide therapy. In recent years, he proposed the concept of innate biological nano-onfinements (iBNCs) for the first time in the world, created a new tumor treatment model aiming to solve the bottleneck of CAR-T for hematologic cancers. In the meantime, he posed the cascade mutation hypothesis of gastrointestinal tumor LST, expecting to explain the mysterious of 5% of the incidence of colorectal cancer.

Jianshe Yang (1975.8- ), MSc, PhD, professor of the Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University School of Medicine, director of Scientific Research Department of Center for Clinical Nuclear Medicine, Tongji University, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts (https://members.euro-acad.eu/#memberList). He is also clinical doctoral supervisor in School of Life and Health Sciences of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), adjunct professor of the School of Medicine of Anhui University of Science and Technology, and distinguished professor of Gansu Medical College. He was supported by the "100 Talents Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2007), “West Light Talent Program of the Chinese Academy of China (2010), and 100 global candidates from Harvard Medical School 2024 Clinical Research Foundation (FCR). He is the member of the Ministry of Education Graduate Work Committee of China(2008-), science and technology review experts of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Hainan Province (2019-), science and technology experts in Gansu Province (2021-), project review experts of the Ministry of Education of China (2022-), key project review experts of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (2023), member of the Chinese Medical Association for Nuclear Medicine Branch Radioactive Drug Group (2023). He is the editorial board members and editors of many international journals such as Nexus, World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, and Medicine International, and reviewers of many high-influence academic journals such as Nature Reviews Cancer. He has presided over 19 various projects, published more than 120 papers in Science and other journals, his works were cited 3000 + times and with a h index 35. He won the second class prize of provincial science and technology, Excellent Course Award in Gansu Province, Most Cited Paper Award of Journal of Exploratory in Research and Pharmacology, and Outstanding Editorial Member of Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine, Xia & He Press, USA. His main research interest: new mechanism of tumorigenesis in digestive system, regulation of tumor metastasis by innate biological nano-confinements, and treatment technology of radioactive substances in waste solution of nuclide therapy. In recent years, he proposed the concept of innate biological nano-confinements (iBNCs) for the first time in the world, created a new tumor treatment model aiming to solve the bottleneck of CAR-T for hematologic cancers. In the meantime, he posed the cascade mutation hypothesis of gastrointestinal tumor LST, expecting to explain the mysterious of 5% of the incidence of colorectal cancer.

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