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Recent Comments
I'm one of the authors of this paper. Thank you for your simple commentary on this recondite theme.
It is generally difficult to understand the concept "magneto-LC effect" because it is different from the other magnetic effects. The LC material in its ordered states like crystals is magnetic off-state and that in its disordered state like LCs and liquids is magnetic on-state. Therefore, irradiated with UV light, the azobenzene photoisomerizes to its cis conformation and the LC material in its disordered state is magnetically active.
We will theoretically explain the mechanism of this peculiar magnetic properties of the materials in the next paper; this magnetic properties are enhanced by molecular motion and structural disorder.
P.S. The new molecule reported in the paper is not 8NO8 but 8NO8_2
Thank you so much for clarifying, I clearly misunderstood! Please accept my apologies, I corrected the post.
I'm one of the authors of this paper. Thank you for your simple commentary on this recondite theme.
It is generally difficult to understand the concept "magneto-LC effect" because it is different from the other magnetic effects. The LC material in its ordered states like crystals is magnetic off-state and that in its disordered state like LCs and liquids is magnetic on-state. Therefore, irradiated with UV light, the azobenzene photoisomerizes to its cis conformation and the LC material in its disordered state is magnetically active.
We will theoretically explain the mechanism of this peculiar magnetic properties of the materials in the next paper; this magnetic properties are enhanced by molecular motion and structural disorder.
P.S. The new molecule reported in the paper is not 8NO8 but 8NO8_2
Thank you for your comment! I now corrected the error in the post, thanks for pointing that out.