Xin Sun (He/Him)

Assistant Professor, University of Groningen
  • Netherlands

About Xin Sun

Xin Sun is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society group, within Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from School of Vehicle and Mobility at Tsinghua University, complemented by dual B.S. degrees in Vehicle Engineering and Business Administration from Tsinghua University. His research focuses on advancing sustainability of critical energy materials, which encompasses material flow analysis, supply risk assessment, and dynamic demand projection of critical materials; and life cycle sustainability assessment of energy technologies. He has published 29 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious journals including Joule, Nature Communications, One Earth, Environmental Science & Technology, among others. His papers have been cited 1,175 times with an h-index of 17 and over 14,500 reads on ResearchGate, and utilized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, U.S. Congressional Research Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, European Parliament, British Geological Survey, Australian Department of Industry, among others. He has been awarded the Excellent Doctoral Thesis of Tsinghua University, Qian Yi Environment Grand Prize, and Global Change Future Scholar, among others. He has been invited by 10 journals to review 84 papers and received the Excellence in Review Award of Resources, Conservation and Recycling.

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