Fouad El Baidouri

Research Scientist, University of New Hampshire


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Behind the Paper News and Opinion Life in Research

Recent Comments

Jul 26, 2018

Nice one!

Nov 02, 2017

That's a great idea!

Comment on Prize choice
Oct 10, 2017

Thanks Patrick  for pointing out the gender disparity in Science. 

Comment on Conferences 2018
Sep 29, 2017
Replying to Fouad El Baidouri

Marine Evolution 2018,  15-17 May 2018, Strömstad, Sweden.

Very good idea Patrick!

Comment on Conferences 2018
Sep 28, 2017

Marine Evolution 2018,  15-17 May 2018, Strömstad, Sweden.

Jul 18, 2017
Replying to Javier Campos-Gómez

Nice reflections. I have a folder in my PC called New Ideas where I deposit the ideas coming to my mind that I think are worthy to put to the test someday (by someone). I like the idea of an Idea Depository. The idea of a “gentleman agreement” though is maybe very idealistic, unfortunately. I understand it coming from a Finnish mind. The Finns are the most honest persons I have known (I lived in Kuopio for a while). I think the idea is great, but without a kind of regulatory mechanism to protect other’s ideas not many people will deposit their ideas hoping they could test them themselves. Who knows how many ideas have passed away with their creators in the history of mankind?

That's an interesting post. In the same line of thought as Javier, I've created long time ago a similar folder called "Ideas to test". I think that the "Idea Depository" is a promising idea to be developed in the near future. Even though Most of us have some ideas that are out of their field they might try to look for collaborations first. As Matti said some idea will go to "waste" anyway! and those could go to the depository. For "Idea Depository" I would think of a mechanism that favor collaborations where the person who is interested in a given idea is highly encouraged to get in touch with the developer of that idea (due to several constraints we have this tendency to keep those ideas for our selves for years even though we are pretty sure that we will probably never see the light of day). I'm thinking about  something like "Idea Depository for collaboration" or "Idea Depository for open collaboration".

Dec 12, 2016
Thank you Ben and I really like this: "...-while petty - stitches me more to the universe endless.''
