Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD (They/Them)

Founder and CEO, Insilico Medicine

About Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD

Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine (, a leading clinical-stage biotechnology company developing next-generation artificial intelligence and robotics platforms for drug discovery. Under his leadership Insilico raised over $400 million in multiple rounds from expert investors, opened R&D centers in six countries or regions, and partnered with multiple pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and academic institutions, nominated 8 preclinical candidates, and entered human clinical trials with AI-discovered novel target and AI-designed novel molecule.

He is also the founder and of Deep Longevity, Inc, a spin-off of Insilico Medicine developing a broad range of artificial intelligence-based biomarkers of aging and longevity servicing healthcare providers and life insurance industry. In 2020 Deep Longevity was acquired by Endurance Longevity (HK: 0575).

Since 2014 he invented critical technologies in the field of generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning (RL) for generation of the novel molecular structures with the desired properties and generation of synthetic biological and patient data. He also pioneered the applications of deep learning technologies for prediction of human biological age using multiple data types, transfer learning from aging into disease, target identification, and signaling pathway modeling.  Prior to founding Insilico, he worked in senior roles at ATI Technologies (GPU company acquired by AMD in 2006), NeuroG Neuroinformatics, Biogerontology Research Foundation. Since 2012 he published over 160 peer-reviewed research papers, and 2 books including “The Ageless Generation: How Biomedical Advances Will Transform the Global Economy” (Macmillan, 2013). He serves on the advisory or editorial boards of Trends in Molecular Medicine, Aging Research Reviews, Aging, Frontiers in Genetics, and founded and co-chairs the Annual Aging Research, Drug Discovery and AI Forum (9th annual in 2022), the world's largest event on aging in the pharmaceutical industry. He did his two bachelor degrees at Queen’s University in Canada, masters in biotechnology at Johns Hopkins, and PhD in biophysics at MSU. He is the adjunct professor of artificial intelligence at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Intro Content

Nature Biotechnology

After the Paper | From Paper to Industrial-scale Platform: a 3-Year Behind the Paper Journey from GENTRL to Chemistry42

Here we describe the journey from the publication of the research paper demonstrating the proof of concept in generative chemistry with a single model to the industrial-strength multi-AI platform used by the many pharmaceutical companies and first AI-generated compounds in the human clinical trials.


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