Xingcai Zhang (He/Him)

Harvard/MIT Research Fellow, Harvard University
  • United States of America

About Xingcai Zhang

Dr. Zhang works on Nature materials including tea and microfluidics-powered living soft materials/Nature materials especially Nature-derived/inspired sustainable materials for advanced applications . Sustainable Nature-inspired/derived/mimetic materials, biomedicine, 2D/C/porous/polymer/bio-inspired materials. Dr. Xingcai Zhang, Harvard/MIT Research Fellow; Science Writer/Editorial (Advisory) Board Member for Springer Nature, AAAS, Materials Today, Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society; Wiley; with 5 STEM degrees and more than 150 high-impact journal publications in Nature Reviews Materials (featured cover paper, highly cited paper), Nature Nanotechnology(Highlighted news release paper), Nature Medicine, PNAS(Highlighted and highly cited paper), Nature Communications(Top 0.1% Highly cited papers, Editor`s choice papers), Science Advances(featured cover paper), etc.  +1-2253041387  

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Nature Communications

Featured Article: Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights on NIT Wireless Theranostics

The typical approach to electronics is to integrate sensors, power units, and components on a printed circuit board (PCB). Authors demonstrate a woven self-powered, fully integrated combination of sensors and components, rather than integrated onto a PCB, allowing for wearable health monitoring.

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