About Saleem H. Ali
Saleem H. Ali is the Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor of Energy and the Environment at the University of Delaware (joint tenured appointments in Geography and the Joseph Biden School of Public Policy); Senior Fellow at Columbia University's Center on Sustainable Investment; Lead for Critical Minerals at United Nations University (INWEH), and Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland (Australia). He is also a member of the United Nations International Resource Panel and served 2 terms on the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility. His latest book is Sustainability: A Very Short Introduction. Other works include Earthly Order: How Natural Laws Define Human Life (Oxford University Press, 2022) and Soil to Foil: Aluminum and the Quest for Industrial Sustainability (Columbia University Press, 2023). Twitter @saleem_ali
Recent Comments
I salute your courage in writing about some positive dividends of climate change. While there is plenty of bad news, we cannot ignore the positive news as well in order to adapt as a species.
Good paper - having worked on this topic for past 2 decades - specially with reference to science diplomacy between India and Pakistan, I am heartened to see young scholars still interested in the topic despite the cynicism from the politicians. Will try to spread the word about your suggested cost savings - that may get on radar of policy makers but mediation from international community will likely be needed.
Very interesting article Saleem. Here is some relevant news from the University of Maryland's research community: https://today.umd.edu/articles/predicting-covid-19-outbreaks-7dd0062a-d9f3-4a6e-aafa-cb5ab866f46a
Many thanks Sally - have shared this as well with my networks.
Great work, congrats Saleem - its important to align those agendas, demonstrate co-benefits and nexus thinking, and transform those industries into providers of sustainable materials. See also this paper on minerals in JIE:
Many thanks Raimund. I have linked your paper to the next blog article on this site related to our article in Nature Geoscience