Clinical Trial Registration: Past, Present, and Future
This blog post, for International Clinical Trials Day, examined clinical trial registration detailing its origins, current strengths and weaknesses, and a call to re-engage with the vital practice moving forward.
Researchers' contribution needed! - Deadline of computational reproducibility survey is extended
Researchers of Springer Nature communities from different disciplines are invited to contribute to the important topic of science reproducibility by filling the survey (see link below) and by providing their views and insights
Finding a guide when harnessing data for a quest
Solving complex world problems awash in data and sprawling across locations and disciplines calls for new methods and new allegiances.
Publishing the impossible paper: it’s the biology my dear fellow!!
“It is not completely apparent why the authors want to investigate this subject in further detail”, or something else in this vein.
Influential Black women in STEM in the UK and US
This women's history month, we want to take the time to honor influential Black women in cancer research that are making and/or have made an impact. It's women like these who help shape a better tomorrow for us, by us.