Behind the Paper

The real stories behind the latest research papers, from conception to publication, the highs and the lows

Behind the paper: ADNP is essential for sex-dependent hippocampal neurogenesis, through male unfolded protein response and female mitochondrial gene regulation

Surprisingly, dramatically different molecular pathways regulate adult neurogenesis in males and females. Importantly, these pathways are strongly impacted by the major autism/intellectual disability gene, ADNP and corrected by the ADNP neuroprotective site, the investigational drug davunetide.
Go to the profile of Illana Gozes
Dec 24, 2024

Bridging Dental Education and Technology

Can mobile apps revolutionize dental education? Our study developed and tested a smartphone-based app for teaching oral health needs assessment. While the app didn’t outperform traditional methods, students' enthusiasm for mobile learning highlights opportunities for future innovation.
Go to the profile of Hadi Ghasemi
Dec 22, 2024